Verify the Controller Installation
Verify the controller installation.
The On-Premises Controller for Prisma SD-WAN installation is verified automatically as
part of the installation verification steps, however, you can verify the installation by
running the CLI command controller_verify.
Check the Overall Controller Health
Check the controller health by executing the following
✓ auth-manager is available and healthy
✓ boreas-stats is available and healthy
✓ element-manager is available and healthy
✓ events-manager-1 is available and healthy
✓ events-manager-2 is available and healthy
✓ nginx is available and healthy
✓ notification-manager is available and healthy
✓ redis-1 is available and healthy
✓ script-manager is available and healthy
✓ sdwan-apps-manager is available and healthy
✓ stats-collector is available and healthy
✓ stats-manager is available and healthy
✓ stats-processor is available and healthy
✓ ui-manager is available and healthy
✓ kafka-1 is available and healthy
✓ mongo-1 is available and healthy
✓ remote-access-manager is available and healthy
Verification Successful
Check the Pods Status
Check if the pods are in running state.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pods
auth-manager-674d79649f-h8xrg 9/9 Running 0 42m
element-manager-78b6478dbb-66gwg 1/1 Running 0 42m
events-manager-1-5ff67c5f4b-7txd7 1/1 Running 0 42m
events-manager-2-84f9c5d846-8bjmk 3/3 Running 0 42m
nginx-9bdf9f4cb-f8xjz 1/1 Running 0 42m
stats-manager-564748f748-g6gvk 5/5 Running 0 41m
ui-manager-675bfd5fd9-hjjs6 2/2 Running 0 41m