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RAN Security

GTP deployment on a firewall includes Radio Access Network (RAN) security.
When you deploy a firewall for Radio Access Network (RAN) security, the firewall inspects the traffic that flows between the access network and packet core. In some cases, the firewall inspects the traffic between various network functions of the packet core.
For a 4G/LTE only network, GTP RAN security supports the following deployment options:
  • Firewalls on S11 and S1-U interfaces for GTPv2-C and GTP-U traffic inspection
  • Firewalls on S5 interfaces for GTPv2-C and GTP-U traffic inspection
For a 3G and 4G/LTE network, GTP RAN security supports firewalls on S5 and Gn interfaces for GTPv2-C, GTPv1-C and GTP-U traffic inspection (for 3G and 4G interoperability).
When you configure GTP security for RAN, you should also configure SCTP security for RAN as described in SCTP Use Cases.

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