: Manage Custom Feeds
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Manage Custom Feeds

An overview of your custom feeds are available on the
management page. Each custom feed is represented by a tile with a high-level overview of the configuration. From this page you can add, edit, delete, enable or disable your custom feeds.
  1. Select
    on the navigation pane to view the custom feed management page. Each tile provides a brief overview about the custom feed configuration.
  2. Update the configuration of a custom feed.
    You can only modify the indicator query of a custom feed. The type, output method, and authentication details cannot be changed.
    1. Click
      to open the options menu and select
    2. Click
      to enter the custom feed edit mode.
    3. Update the indicator search conditions as necessary and then click
      to continue. For a preview list of the threat indicators that the feed generates, click
      . Keep in mind, this preview is limited to 100 items.
    4. Update the description of the custom feed as necessary and
      to finalize the changes. The other fields are read-only and cannot be updated.
  3. Disable a custom feed by clicking the toggle switch. Disabled feeds are gray and cannot be further modified.
  4. Delete a custom feed by clicking
    and then selecting
    . Click
    to confirm the removal.

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