: FAQ: Where are My App Tiles, Instances, Roles, and More

FAQ: Where are My App Tiles, Instances, Roles, and More

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FAQ: Where are My App Tiles, Instances, Roles, and More

Frequently asked questions regarding changes to the
, apps, subscription management, tenant management, tsg migration, identity and access management, and more.
The following topics address frequently asked questions regarding changes to the
, apps, subscription management, tenant management, identity and access management, and more. You might have different questions if you are moving to
Strata Cloud Manager

What is the TSG migration?

You have likely received information about the transition of your
Prisma Access
Prisma SD-WAN
instance, or other app instance to a tenant or Tenant Service Group (TSG) in the
Strata Cloud Manager
or the
. The ultimate goal is to provide you with an integrated experience. A foundational step in that direction is tenant migration.
The process of migrating
Prisma Access
app instances (for example) from a Customer Support Portal model to a tenant model is still in progress. Along with the
Prisma Access
instances, all their dependencies such as
Strata Logging Service
and Cloud Identity Engine (CIE) instances also get migrated. The tenant migration happens on a rolling basis, so
Prisma Access
Prisma SD-WAN
instances and dependent apps get migrated at different times. The app tiles remain on the original support account view of the
as long as there are non-migrated instances in that Customer Support Portal. After all your instances are migrated, you no longer see the app tile on the
. However, there is a button on the
to navigate to your tenant on the
Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
. There is also a new tenant view of the
for your transitioned tenants.
For apps in the tenant view, use Common Services for license activation, subscription management, tenant management, and identity and access management. There are a few ways to access Common Services and view apps by tenant:
First Time Activation
Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
Tenant View of the hub
AIOps for NGFW
If you are activating a license for the first time, you are automatically directed to
Common Services
Subscription & Tenant Management
during the activation process.
If you have received information about the transition of your tenant to the
Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
, you can access through sase.paloaltonetworks.com or through the
original support account view of the
Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
Tenants and Services
Common Services
Subscription & Tenant Management
To access
Common Services
directly from the
, toggle to
tenant view of the
Common Services
Subscription & Tenant Management
If you have received information about the transition of your AIOps instance to a tenant, you can access through
Subscription & Tenant Management

Where are my instances?

The original support account view of the
and the tenant view of the
are two completely independent platforms and not just different UI themes. They use different authentication and authorization methods. A given instance can either be accessed from the support account view or the tenant view, but never from both.
In the following example, Customer Support Portal Alvisofin Corp has multiple
Strata Logging Service
Prisma Access
, and CIE instances that are visible on the original support account view of the
before migration. The two Prisma Access instances along with their dependent apps,
Strata Logging Service
and CIE, are then migrated to TSGs. After the migration, the migrated Prisma Access,
Strata Logging Service
, and CIE tenants will only show up on the tenant view of the
, but the Alvisofin Corp
Strata Logging Service
- AU instance that was not associated with any
Prisma Access
instance is still only visible from the original support account view of the

Where is my list of support accounts?

When Palo Alto Networks migrates an instance of an app to a tenant, it automatically creates a new TSG name where the TSG ID is appended to the Customer Support Portal name. If multiple
Prisma Access
instances or multiple app instances exist in the same Customer Support Portal support account, then multiple tenants are created. After the migration, in the tenant name list in the tenant view of the
, there are now multiple entries with the Customer Support Portal name appended with the instance name and the new TSG ID.
After the migration, the tenant name list looks as follows, pinned in the tenant view of the
. You can dismiss the pin as well as pin it again. You can search for your tenants either by name or by ID.
You can edit the tenant name from
Common Services
Tenant Management
Tenant name
Edit Tenant

What is the replacement for the Explore app?

The Explore app is designed for use with Customer Support Portal accounts, where you can switch between different
Strata Logging Service
and CIE instances within the same Customer Support Portal. The functionality is not available for TSGs. Since the TSG tenant is the data boundary, it is not allowed to view logs across tenants.
As an alternative, you can use embedded Log Viewer in the
Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
or the embedded Explore in
Strata Logging Service
You can switch between products or tenants to see logs from different
Strata Logging Service
apps or CIE apps through the tenant, or launch different
Strata Logging Service
tenants from the tenant view of the

How do I generate the OTP or associate CIE?

In the original support account view of the
, the Panorama tile showed the Panorama instances for managing
Prisma Access
, but not the Panorama instances for managing the Next Generation Firewall (NGFW). Unlike other tiles in the original support account view of the
, clicking on any of these Panorama tiles did not open the Panorama UI. There were two operations that you could do with the Panorama tiles:
  • Generate a One Time Password (OTP) for Panorama
  • Associate CIE to the
    Prisma Access
    instance it manages
In the tenant view of the
, there is no benefit in showing the Panorama tile, so it is removed. In the tenant view of the
, a
Prisma Access
tenant is created for every Panorama-managed Prisma Access instance during the TSG migration. The CIE association with Prisma Access is automatically done either during migration or during onboarding. There is no need to explicitly associate CIE as it was previously done in the original support account view of the
The OTP can be generated during license activation for for Panorama-Managed or from
Common Services
Tenant Management
Tenant name
Generate OTP

Where are my roles?

The original support account view of the
and the tenant view of the
have different authentication and authorization methods. The original support account view of the
uses our RBAC based role access model, while the tenant view of the
uses Common Services: Identity & Access Management (IAM) for access and role management.
In the tenant view of the
, the dependency on the Customer Support Portal and RBAC roles is removed. All users need a role in the IAM system to access TSGs and TSG-based tenants. When instances are migrated from the original support account view of the
to the tenant view of the
, all the users and their access permissions are also migrated to the IAM system. New IAM role names and permissions automatically get assigned, which are equivalent to the previous RBAC roles.
Roles in the original support account view of the
and the tenant view of the
are not shared, and it is only during the initial instance migration that RBAC roles are migrated to IAM roles.
For migrated tenants, existing users who had access before the migration will still have access after migration. But if new users need to be added to the tenants, different steps need to be followed to add user access. The admins who can add user access are those with Multitenant Superuser or IAM Administrator roles, depending on the app. Users in the tenant view of the
are not required to be added to Customer Support Portal accounts unless needed to operate onboarding or offboarding tasks.
You can see the users and roles from
Common Services
Identity & access
Access Management
. Find out more about identity and access.
RBAC Scope
IAM Roles
IAM Scope
Account Administrator
Support Account
Superuser (Multitenant Superuser)
App Administrator
Superuser (Multitenant Superuser)
Instance Administrator
App Instance
Superuser (Multitenant Superuser)
Strata Logging Service
Log Viewer Admin
App Instance
SOC Analyst
Deployment Admin
App Instance
Deployment Administrator
App Instance
Superuser (Multitenant Superuser)
App Instance
Superuser (Multitenant Superuser)
App Instance
View Only Administrator
App Instance
Prisma Access
Super Reader
App Instance
View Only Administrator
Audit Admin
App Instance
Crypto Admin
App Instance
Security Admin
App Instance
Security Administrator
Web Security Admin
App Instance
Web Security Administrator
Data Loss Prevention Admin
App Instance
Superuser (assigned to DLP app)
Data Security Admin
App Instance
Data Security Administrator
SaaS Admin
App Instance
Superuser (assigned to SaaS app)
Prisma SD-WAN
esp_super + tenant_super + esp_machine_admin+ esp_admin
App Instance
Multitenant Superuser
App Instance
TSG (if the only app being migrated is
Prisma SD-WAN
, otherwise App)
App Instance
View Only Administrator
App Instance
IAM Administrator
TSG (if the only app being migrated is
Prisma SD-WAN
, otherwise App)
esp_iam_admin + tenant_iam_admin
App Instance
Multitenant IAM Administrator
TSG (if the only app being migrated is
Prisma SD-WAN
, otherwise App)
App Instance
Network Administrator
App Instance
Security Administrator

Which applications are supported in the tenant view of the

Apps and add-ons with full TSG support (migration still in progress on a rolling basis):
  • Prisma Access
    (including Enterprise DLP and SaaS Security in Cloud-managed
    Prisma Access
    , including
    Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Strata Logging Service
  • CIE
  • ELA with the AIOps for NGFW add-on or the IoT Security add-on
  • Prisma SD-WAN
  • AIOps
  • IoT Security
Apps and add-ons that remain in the original support account view of the
  • Prisma Cloud
  • SAAS Inline NGFW
  • XSOAR Marketplace
Apps removed from the tenant view of the
  • Explore

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