Steps to troubleshoot whether a HIP issue is on the GlobalProtect client side or on
the server side.
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HIP issues usually occur when the GlobalProtect app endpoint posture evaluation
(products installed, custom checks, encryption and backup settings, and more)
doesn't match expected HIP objects and profiles, causing the traffic coming from the
GlobalProtect client to match unexpected security policies. HIP issues also occur
when vendors are not
supported by OPSWAT module used by
GlobalProtect app for HIP. When the GlobalProtect app evaluation does not match HIP
on the GlobalProtect gateway side, end users experience restricted or no access
based on the configured security policy. HIP issues are most often on the client
side, such as the OPSWAT module not evaluating some product or version properly.
Issues on the GlobalProtect gateway side are mainly misconfigured HIP objects and
profiles, or problems with HIP redistribution.
Use the following steps to identify or narrow down whether a HIP issue is on the
GlobalProtect client side or on the firewall or GlobalProtect Gateway side.