: Show Commands Removed in PAN-OS 11.2

Show Commands Removed in PAN-OS 11.2

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Show Commands Removed in PAN-OS 11.2

Command line interface 'show' commands that are removed in PAN-OS 11.2:
The following commands are no longer available in the 11.2 release.
20 show deviceconfig commands were removed.
show deviceconfig cluster show deviceconfig cluster devices show deviceconfig cluster devices <name> show deviceconfig cluster cluster-heartbeat show deviceconfig cluster monitoring show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-wire <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group vlan <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group show deviceconfig cluster monitoring path-monitoring path-group virtual-router <name> destination-ip-group <name> show deviceconfig cluster inter-firewall-link show deviceconfig cluster inter-firewall-link <name>
2 show mgt-config commands were removed.
show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query gtp show mgt-config users <name> preferences saved-log-query gtp <name>
14 show network commands were removed.
show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood sctp-init show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> flood sctp-init red show network secure-web-gateway show network secure-web-gateway enablement show network secure-web-gateway enablement none show network secure-web-gateway enablement explicit-proxy show network secure-web-gateway enablement transparent-proxy show network secure-web-gateway enablement paloalto-networks-service-proxy show network secure-web-gateway explicit-web-gateway show network secure-web-gateway explicit-web-gateway proxy-ip show network secure-web-gateway transparent-web-gateway show network secure-web-gateway transparent-web-gateway proxy-ip show network secure-web-gateway paloalto-networks-service-gateway show network secure-web-gateway paloalto-networks-service-gateway proxy-ip
23 show shared commands were removed.
show shared reports <name> type gtp show shared reports <name> type gtpsum show shared reports <name> type sctp show shared reports <name> type sctpsum show shared log-settings system match-list <name> actions <name> type integration show shared log-settings userid match-list <name> actions <name> type integration show shared log-settings iptag match-list <name> actions <name> type integration show shared log-settings hipmatch match-list <name> actions <name> type integration show shared log-settings http <name> format gtp show shared log-settings http <name> format gtp headers show shared log-settings http <name> format gtp headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format gtp params show shared log-settings http <name> format gtp params <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format sctp show shared log-settings http <name> format sctp headers show shared log-settings http <name> format sctp headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format sctp params show shared log-settings http <name> format sctp params <name> show shared log-settings profiles <name> match-list <name> actions <name> type integration show shared certificate <name> show shared certificate <name> cloud-resource-id show shared certificate <name> cloud-resource-id azure show shared certificate <name> cloud-resource-id aws
1 show global-protect command was removed.
show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> gp-gw-dhcp entry
44 show profiles commands were removed.
show profiles gtp show profiles gtp <name> show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-c show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-c gtpv1-c show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-c gtpv1-c validity-checks show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-c gtpv2-c show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-c gtpv2-c validity-checks show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-u show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-u validity-checks show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection gtp-5g-c show profiles gtp <name> gtp-inspection pfcp show profiles gtp <name> correlation show profiles gtp <name> filtering show profiles gtp <name> filtering imsi-prefix show profiles gtp <name> filtering imsi-prefix <name> show profiles gtp <name> filtering apn show profiles gtp <name> filtering apn <name> show profiles gtp <name> filtering rat show profiles gtp <name> tunnel-limit show profiles gtp <name> tunnel-limit gtp-u show profiles gtp <name> overbilling show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log gtpv1c-allowed-messages show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log gtpv2c-allowed-messages show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log gtpu-allowed-messages show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log gtp-5g-allowed-messages show profiles gtp <name> gtp-log pfcp-allowed-messages show profiles sctp show profiles sctp <name> show profiles sctp <name> sctp-inspection show profiles sctp <name> sctp-inspection validity-checks show profiles sctp <name> sctp-inspection log-setting show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ppid show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ppid <name> show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ss7 show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ss7 <name> show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ss7 <name> ss7-cp-ssn show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-ss7 <name> ss7-cp-ssn <name> show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-diameter show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-diameter <name> show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-diameter <name> diameter-application-id show profiles sctp <name> sctp-filtering sctp-diameter <name> diameter-application-id <name>
4 show reports commands were removed.
show reports <name> type gtp show reports <name> type gtpsum show reports <name> type sctp show reports <name> type sctpsum
16 show external list commands were removed.
show external-list <name> type imsi show external-list <name> type imsi auth show external-list <name> type imsi recurring show external-list <name> type imsi recurring five-minute show external-list <name> type imsi recurring hourly show external-list <name> type imsi recurring daily show external-list <name> type imsi recurring weekly show external-list <name> type imsi recurring monthly show external-list <name> type imei show external-list <name> type imei auth show external-list <name> type imei recurring show external-list <name> type imei recurring five-minute show external-list <name> type imei recurring hourly show external-list <name> type imei recurring daily show external-list <name> type imei recurring weekly show external-list <name> type imei recurring monthly

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