: Show Commands Introduced in PAN-OS 11.2

Show Commands Introduced in PAN-OS 11.2

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Show Commands Introduced in PAN-OS 11.2

Command line interface 'show' commands that are new in PAN-OS 112:
The following commands are new in the 11.2 release.
show deviceconfig system dns-setting servers encrypted-dns show deviceconfig system dns-setting servers encrypted-dns connection-type show deviceconfig system dns-setting servers encrypted-dns connection-type dns-over-https show deviceconfig system dns-setting servers encrypted-dns connection-type dns-over-tls show deviceconfig system route service show deviceconfig system route service <name> show deviceconfig system route service <name> source show deviceconfig system route service <name> source-v6 show deviceconfig setting mlav show deviceconfig setting dns show deviceconfig setting adns-setting show deviceconfig setting additional-header-logging show deviceconfig setting session-tracking show deviceconfig setting session-tracking user-re-authentication show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> block-ip-protocol show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> block-ip-protocol protocol show network profiles zone-protection-profile <name> block-ip-protocol protocol <name> show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp show network interface ethernet <name> virtual-wire lacp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 proxy-protocol port show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour show network interface ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability show network interface ethernet <name> lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> ha lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> virtual-wire lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer2 lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 bonjour show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lacp high-availability use-same-system-mac show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 lldp high-availability show network interface aggregate-ethernet <name> layer3 units <name> bonjour show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 pq-ppk show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 pq-ppk keys show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 pq-ppk keys <name> show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 pq-kem show network ike gateway <name> protocol ikev2 ikev2-fragment show network ike crypto-profiles ike-crypto-profiles <name> ake show network ike crypto-profiles ipsec-crypto-profiles <name> ake show network tunnel gre <name> peer-address show network tunnel gre <name> peer-address fqdn show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type dns-over-https show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type dns-over-tls show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type origin show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type cleartext show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns client-side-config show network dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns client-side-config allowed-dns-types show shared log-settings correlation show shared log-settings correlation match-list show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration localhost show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration panorama show shared log-settings correlation match-list <name> actions <name> type tagging registration remote show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation headers show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation headers <name> show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation params show shared log-settings http <name> format correlation params <name> show shared response-page remote-browser-isolation show shared response-page url-reply show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type dns-over-https show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type dns-over-tls show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type origin show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns server-side-config connection-type cleartext show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns client-side-config show dns-proxy <name> encrypted-dns client-side-config allowed-dns-types show zone <name> show zone <name> network show zone <name> network prenat-identification show zone <name> network tunnel show zone <name> user-acl show zone <name> device-acl show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> gp-gw-dhcp gp-dhcp-server show global-protect global-protect-gateway <name> gp-gw-dhcp gp-dhcp-server <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains advanced-dns-security-categories show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains advanced-dns-security-categories <name> show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains misconfig-zone show profiles spyware <name> botnet-domains misconfig-zone <name> show profiles saas-user-list show profiles saas-user-list <name> show profiles saas-tenant-list show profiles saas-tenant-list <name> show rulebase nat rules <name> source-translation dynamic-ip interface-address
There are 8 new show user-context-segment commands
show user-context-segment show user-context-segment assignments show user-context-segment assignments <name> show user-context-segment assignments <name> publisher-segments show user-context-segment assignments <name> subscriber-segments show user-context-segment assignments <name> subscriber-segments <name> show user-context-segment assignments <name> firewall-selection show user-context-segment assignments <name> firewall-selection <name>

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