Event Category-Switch Port and RADIUS Server

Event Category-Switch Port and RADIUS Server

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Event Category-Switch Port and RADIUS Server

Switch port and radius server related event codes in Prisma SD-WAN.
The following tables describe a list of event or incident codes, the event origin, its severity, and a description of each event as per the event category.
Switch Port and RADIUS Server Incidents
DEVICE_POE_MAIN_POWER_OVER_THRESHOLDDeviceINCIDENTWarningPort Power StatusWhen the system level main PoE power usage exceeds the configured threshold, this incident is raised. When the exceeded system level main PoE power usage comes down below the threshold, this incident is cleared.6.0.2
DEVICE_POE_PORT_POWER_OVER_THRESHOLDDeviceINCIDENTWarningPort Power Over ThresholdWhen the port PoE power usage exceeds the configured threshold, this incident is raised. When the exceeded port PoE power usage comes down below the threshold, this incident is cleared.6.0.2
DEVICE_POE_MAIN_POWER_FAULTDeviceINCIDENTCriticalMain Power FaultWhen the PSE controller encounters an internal error, this incident is raised. Need reload/RMA of the device.6.0.2
DEVICE_POE_PORT_POWER_STATUSDeviceAlertWarningPort Power StatusThis alert is raised when the software process responsible for Power Over Ethernet support observes a change in power supply status of a PoE port.6.0.2
RADIUS_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLEDeviceINCIDENTWarningRadius Server reachability error.When the primary and secondary RADIUS server is unreachable from a device, this incident is generated. The reasons could be a network error or an improper/missing source interface configuration.6.0.2
DYNAMIC_VLAN_NOT_CONFIGUREDDeviceINCIDENTWarningDynamic VLAN NAME/ID issued from the Radius server is not configured on the element.When the RADIUS server requested Dynamic VLAN ID is not configured on the system, this incident is generated. It is cleared either when the configuration was updated with the VLAN ID is configured or when the client gets authenticated.6.0.2
CLIENT_AUTH_FAILDeviceAlertWarningA client failed to authenticate with valid credentials on an 802.1X authentication enabled port.This alert is raised when the client Authentication (MAC Auth or 802.1X) fails.6.0.2