: Set up the VM-Series Firewall on Tencent Cloud China

Set up the VM-Series Firewall on Tencent Cloud China

Table of Contents

Set up the VM-Series Firewall on Tencent Cloud China

Protect your inbound and outbound, and north-south traffic in Tencent cloud deploying the VM-Series firewall.
Deploy the VM-Series firewall to secure your inbound and outbound north-south traffic in Tencent cloud.
The VM-Series firewall on Tencent Cloud only supports inbound and outbound north-south traffic protection, not east-west traffic.
The VM-Series firewall on Tencent Cloud supports BYOL and PAYG licensing.

Minimum System Requirements for VM-Series on Tencent Cloud

On Tencent Cloud, you can deploy the VM-Series firewall using the PA-VM qcow2 images.
Ensure that your Panorama is of version 10.2.1 or above.

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