: Enable Automatic Updates for SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations on Cloud Managed Prisma Access

Enable Automatic Updates for SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations on Cloud Managed Prisma Access

Table of Contents

Enable Automatic Updates for SaaS Policy Rule Recommendations on Cloud Managed Prisma Access

Learn how to enable automatic updates to rule recommendations on Cloud Managed Prisma Access.
This feature requires the
SaaS Security
add-on license for your platform.
Enable automatic updates to automatically apply rule recommendation changes that the SaaS Security administrator requests to the rulebase. Doing so ensures that you don’t need to continuously monitor changes to existing rule recommendations. If you don’t enable automatic updates, Prisma Access Cloud Management continues to automatically pull the updates for you to review and manually import.
When you have automatic updates enabled, updates to existing rule recommendations display as
Updates imported
Imported SaaS Rule Recommendations
. Use the
Last update failed link
to help you resolve any failures.
  1. From Prisma Access Cloud Management, navigate to
    Web Access Policy
  2. In
    Imported SaaS Rule Recommendations
    , toggle
    Enable Automatic Updates
    to the on position.
    If you’ve already imported the rule recommendation, the SaaS Administrator’s update to the rule recommendation is automatically loaded into
    Imported SaaS Rule Recommendations
    and is pending Web Security Administrator’s approval.

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