Manage: Snippets
Strata Cloud Manager

Manage: Snippets

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Manage: Snippets

Use snippets to group configurations that you can quickly push to your firewalls or deployments.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW, including those funded by Software NGFW Credits
Each of these licenses include access to Strata Cloud Manager:
→ The features and capabilities available to you in Strata Cloud Manager depend on which license(s) you are using.
Use snippets to group configurations that you can quickly push to your firewalls or deployments.
A snippet is a configuration object, which can't fit into a hierarchy, or grouping of configuration objects, that you can associate with a folder, deployment, or device. Snippets are used to standardize a common base configuration for a set of firewalls or deployments allowing you to quickly onboard new devices with a known good configuration and reducing the time required to onboard a new device. For example, you can onboard a new firewall in a remote branch office. You can associate a set of snippets that contain all of the required network and policy rule configurations with the folder the new firewall belongs to. This reduces the time required to set up the firewall to protect the remote branch office.
Snippet associations have a top-down priority in the event of conflicting object values. Rules with duplicate names are not allowed, and validation fails during the creation of a snippet with the same name in any folder or while associating a snippet to a folder if the snippet with the same name is already associated.
This means that if the first and the last associated snippets have different values for the same object, the value from the first snippet is inherited by the device or deployment. Additionally, all configurations inherited from a snippet can be overridden at the child folder, deployment, or device level.
Within a folder hierarchy, a snippet might only be associated one time within any folder hierarchy. This means that a snippet can’t be associated with both a folder and the folder nested under it. However, you can associate the same snippet with different folders or folders nested under different folders. Snippets that are already associated with a folder in the folder hierarchy are grayed out so they can’t be used more than once where applicable.

Snippet Classification

  • Predefined: All Strata Cloud Manager users can access these snippets to quickly set up new firewalls and deployments with best practice configurations.
  • Local: These editable snippets are created within the tenant and can't share them with other subscriber tenants.
  • Published: Trusted subscriber tenants have access to these shared snippets, which can't be cloned or edited.
  • Subscribed: These snippets, shared by the publisher tenant, can be cloned by users but can't be edited.

Cross-Scope Configuration Referenceability in Snippets

This feature allows you to reference any common configurations or objects attached to a global scope and push it to Prisma Access and NGFW firewalls. These shared objects and configurations within the global scope are available to all the snippets. A snippet associated with the global scope is considered as a global snippet. Objects defined within these snippets attached to the global scope, can be referenced across any snippets in the configuration.
For example, you can create a snippet named Global Variable to consolidate variables and attach it to a Global scope. This ensures easy referencing and availability across all other snippets in the configuration. Similarly, you can effectively manage custom URL categories for access policy rules, threat prevention profiles, zones, addresses, and other objects representing standard network segments.

Create a Snippet

Create and associate a snippet with a folder, deployment, or device to apply a common base configuration to a group of devices. You can associate as many snippets with a folder, deployment, or device as needed.
Snippets can be modified and reassociated with any folder, deployment, or device at any time after creation.
Custom snippets that are no longer in use can be deleted.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. Select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and expand the Configuration Scope to view the Snippets.
  3. Add Snippet.
    1. Enter a descriptive Name for the snippet.
    2. (Optional) Provide a Description.
    3. (Optional) Assign one or more Labels.
      You can select existing labels or create a new one by typing the desired label.
    4. Create the snippet.
      Newly created snippets appear under Local snippets. After publishing, they move to Published snippets.
  4. Configure your snippet.
    You are now in the Configuration Scope for the snippet. All configurations made here apply only to this snippet.
    Review the snippet Overview for detailed information, including the number of variables, creation and update details, and associated folders, deployments, and devices.
  5. Add Subscriber Tenants:
    1. Add Subscriber.
    2. Select the Tenant Name and Save.
    3. Click the Tenant Name link to edit subscriber tenant properties for shared snippets, controlling snippet management during disassociation.
      • The Do not delete from subscriber tenant option is checked by default.
        • When this option is checked, snippets cannot be deleted from the subscriber, even without associations.
        • When unchecked, snippets without folder associations can be deleted from the subscriber. Deleting the subscriber will not remove the snippets.
      • Save your changes.
    4. Select the Tenant Name, and Publish.
      Choose Validate before update for a pre-update validation check on the subscriber before applying changes. If the validation fails, an error message appears. If the validation succeeds, publisher request is sent to the subscriber.
    5. The Status column shows Snippet Successfully Published to Subscriber Tenant.
    6. The published snippet appears under Subscribed. Use the
      refresh icon if the subscribed snippet doesn't appear immediately.
  6. To delete a subscribed snippet, select the Tenant Name and Delete Subscriber.
    The deleted subscriber tenant will be removed and will not appear under Subscribed.
  7. Associate a snippet.
    1. Select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and expand the Configuration Scope to view the Config Tree.
    2. Select the folder, deployment, or device you want to associate the snippet with.
    3. Edit the Config Snippet.
    4. Add the snippets that you want to associate and order them as needed.
      If you're associating a snippet to the global scope, it becomes referenceable and available to all the other snippets in the configuration. All the snippets will be able to reference the objects you have in the snippet attached to the global folder.
    5. Close.
  8. Push Config to push your configuration changes to your network.

Modify a Snippet

Modify your snippet configurations, details, and associations.
Custom snippets no longer associated with a folder, deployment, or device can be deleted.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. Select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and expand the Configuration Scope to view the Snippets.
  3. Select the snippet you want to modify.
    After you select a snippet, you’re redirected to the snippet Overview.
  4. (Optional) Edit the snippet to modify the Name, Description, or to change or assign additional Labels. Enable or disable Pause Update to see the configuration diffs and decide to accept the change.
  5. Edit the Snippet Associations to reassociate the snippet with a different folder, deployment, or device or to associate the snippet with additional folders, deployments, or devices.
    Exit the snippet reassociation screen to apply the changes.
  6. Make any changes to the snippet configuration as needed.
  7. Push Config.

Delete a Snippet

Delete your custom snippets to keep your configurations organized. Snippets must be unassociated with any firewalls, folders, or deployments before they are able to be deleted. Deleting predefined snippets is not supported.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. Select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and expand the Configuration Scope to view the Snippets.
  3. Click the three vertical dots of the custom snippet you want to delete.
  4. Delete the snippet.
    Snippets currently associated with folders, deployments, or devices can't be deleted. First edit the Snippet Associations to remove all existing associations before it can be deleted.

Clone a Snippet

If you want to use an existing snippet as a template for a new snippet, you can easily clone it so you do not have to configure a new object.
Cloned snippets are not associated with any devices, folders, or deployments, allowing you to customize them freely without having to disassociate them before you begin your configurations.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. Select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and expand the Configuration Scope to view the Snippets.
  3. Click the three vertical dots of the custom snippet you want to clone.
  4. Clone the snippet.
    1. (Optional) Give the cloned snippet a new name.

Share a Snippet Configuration

This feature provides a unique and flexible method for sharing common configurations across any tenants including in a multitenant environment. You can save and manage various configurations as snippets, easily sharing them across tenants under a customer account. This capability provides considerable flexibility and control in managing shared configurations across different tenant environments.
Additionally, this feature supports centralizing configuration management for common scenarios among tenants and overseeing global configurations within a multibusiness unit setup.
In this framework, the publisher tenant shares snippets with the subscriber tenant, while the subscriber tenant receives snippets from the publisher tenant.
  1. Log in to Strata Cloud Manager.
  2. On the publisher tenant, select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview, select the Global configuration scope.
  3. Establish Trust Between the Tenants: Establish a connection between the subscriber and publisher tenants to enable the sharing of snippets.
    1. Click Subscriber Tenant under Trusted Tenants for Snippet Sharing.
    2. Add Subscriber Tenant.
    3. Enter the TSG ID to add as a subscriber tenant, and Check TSG ID. This ensures prevention of randomly generated TSG or serialized TSG-based attacks.
      Upon successful validation, a confirmation message indicates that the TSD ID has been verified.
    4. Next: Generate Pre Shared Key.
      Copy the generated PSK. You will enter this PSK when validating the publisher tenant in step 4.
  4. Go to subscriber tenant, select ManageConfigurationNGFW and Prisma AccessOverview and set the configuration scope to Global.
    1. The Publisher Tenants status under Trusted Tenants for Snippet Sharing shows as Pending.
    2. Click Publisher Tenants and Enter Pre Shared Key generated in the previous step, and Validate the subscriber tenant.
      After successful validation, a message confirms the tenant as trusted, establishing trust between the subscriber and publisher tenants.
  5. Publish a Snippet to a subscriber tenant.
    1. Create and associate the snippet with a folder.
      Newly created snippets are available under Local snippets.
      • The Overview tab shows snippet details such as name, description, creation time (when the snippet was loaded on the subscriber side), last updated time, and labels details.
      • The Subscriber Tenants tab shows the tenant name, published version on the tenant, last published date, and publish status.
        • Click Published Version to review configuration changes.
        • Before publishing a snippet to a tenant, Add Subscriber and Save it.
      • The Version Snapshots gives a history of your snippet configuration. In this screen, you can compare configuration snapshots with your candidate configuration, and Save Version Snapshot or Load an earlier configuration snapshot as your candidate. Click the Version number to view the configuration differences.
      • The Audit History provides an audit trail of all actions initiated by the administrator. It logs details such as the published version number, changes made, the owner of the change, the date and time of the change, and specifics of the change.
    2. On the Subscriber Tenant tab, select the tenant name and Publish.
      This sends publish request to the subscriber tenant. In the Status column indicates that Snippet Successfully published to subscriber and the snippet will be available under Published snippets.
  6. Verify on the subscriber tenant.
    1. Go to OverviewConfiguration ScopeSnippets, and select the snippet under Subscribed snippets.
      You're redirected to the snippet Overview which shows details such as the publisher tenant's name, description, TSG ID, snippet creation time, last updated time, labels, and pause update details.
  7. Delete the trust.
    Subscribed snippets associated with folders or firewalls can only be cloned and can't be deleted.
    1. Go to subscriber or publisher tenant.
    2. Click Subscriber Tenant under Trusted Tenants for Snippet Sharing.
    3. Select the Tenant Name, and Delete Trust.
    After deleting the trust, the snippet will no longer be associated with the firewall or folder and becomes a local snippet.
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