New Features in July 2024
Strata Cloud Manager

New Features in July 2024

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New Features in July 2024

Here are the new features available in Strata Cloud Manager in July 2024.
Here are the latest new features introduced on Strata Cloud Manager. Features listed here include some feature highlights for the products supported with Strata Cloud Manager. For the full list of new features supported for a product you're using with Strata Cloud Manager, see the release notes for that product

Email DLP Enhancements

July 29, 2024
Supported for:
  • Data Security
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
has introduced the following enhancements to Email DLP to strengthen your security posture when inspecting outbound emails from your organization to prevent exfiltration of sensitive data.
  • If you need to send an outbound email containing sensitive data, you can now forward outbound Gmail and Microsoft Exchange emails to your Proofpoint server to encrypt emails on its way to the target recipient if
    Enterprise DLP
    detects sensitive data. Encrypting outbound emails containing sensitive data prevents email messages from being read by an unintended or unauthorized individual.
  • Email DLP now supports inspection of
    files and up to five levels of nested
    email files.
    Enterprise DLP
    can only nested
    files, and cannot inspect any other supported file types that may contain nested files.
  • (
    Microsoft Exchange only
    ) You can now configure
    Enterprise DLP
    to send an email notification to the outbound email sender in an Email DLP policy rule when
    Enterprise DLP
    detects sensitive data to immediately notify email senders when their email was not sent out to their intended recipient due to data security violation. For example, this notification allows an email sender that erroneously sent an outbound email containing sensitive to modify their email and resend it.
    This applies to Email DLP policy rules where the response
    Forward email for approval to end user's manager
    Forward email for approval to admin
    , or

Browser Support for Remote Browser Isolation

July 26, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
In addition to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari browsers, the Firefox browser is now supported for Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) on macOS and Windows desktop operating systems.
Refer to How Remote Browser Isolation Works for the combination of operating systems and browsers that your users can use for isolated browsing.

Mobile Support for Remote Browser Isolation

July 26, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
To help broaden the device support for your managed users, mobile support is added for Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) in addition to macOS and Windows desktop operating systems. Your managed users can now use Android, iOS, and iPadOS devices for isolated browsing.
Refer to How Remote Browser Isolation Works for the combination of operating systems and browsers that are supported for RBI.

AI Runtime Security

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • AI Runtime Security
    (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Palo Alto Networks
AI Runtime Security
is a purpose-built firewall to discover, protect, and defend the enterprise traffic flows against all potential threats focusing on addressing AI-specific vulnerabilities such as prompt injection, and denial-of-service attacks on AI models. It combines continuous runtime threat analysis of your AI applications, models, and data sets with AI powered security to stop attackers in their tracks. The
AI Runtime Security
leverages real-time AI-powered security protecting your AI application ecosystem from both AI-specific and conventional network attacks.
AI Runtime Security
leverages critical anomaly detection capabilities and protects AI models from manipulation to ensure the reliability and integrity of AI output data. It rejects prompt injections, malicious responses, training data poisoning, malicious URLs, command and control, embedded unsafe URLs, and lateral threat movement.
AI Runtime Security
uses Palo Alto Networks Strata Cloud Manager (SCM) as the main configuration and management engine. To begin with, activate and onboard your cloud service provider account on SCM. The AI Security Profile imports security capabilities from Enterprise DLP and URL Filtering for inline detection of threats in AI application traffic.
AI Runtime Security
is powered by the following four key elements:
- The
AI Runtime Security
discovers your enterprise AI application and all other applications. The
AI Runtime Security
dashboard provides complete visibility and security insights of your AI and other applications in just a few clicks. You can effortlessly gain actionable intelligence on AI traffic flows covering your applications, models, user access, and infrastructure threats.
- The
AI Runtime Security
deployment using Terraform templates automates the deployment procedure reducing the human error, lowering the required time for manual configuration tasks, and for protecting your enterprise AI applications. Deploy your
AI Runtime Security
instance downloading the Terraform templates and provide permissions to your cloud service provider account projects to analyze flow logs and DNS logs.
- Identify unprotected traffic flows with potential security threats to the cloud network and detect the potential security risks based on logs and recommended actions to remediate.
- Shield your organization’s AI application ecosystem from AI-specific and conventional network attacks by leveraging real-time AI-powered security. Get the continuous discovery of the AI network traffic on the containers and namespaces.
To learn more about AI Runtime Security activation, onboarding, and deployment, see AI Runtime Security documentation.

Dynamic Privilege Access

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
For Enterprise IT and IT Enabled Services (ITES) companies that need to control which users have access to their customer projects, Dynamic Privilege Access provides a seamless, secure, and compartmentalized way for your users to access only those projects that they are assigned to. Employees are typically assigned to several customer projects and are provided with siloed access to these projects so that an authorized user can access only one customer project at a time.
A new predefined role called the
Project Admin
is available to allow project administrators to create and manage project definitions. Project administrators have the ability to map projects to select Prisma Access location groups, and create IP address assignments using DHCP based on the project and location group.

Panorama to
Strata Cloud Manager

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
If you have an existing Prisma Access (managed by Panorama) deployment and want to switch from Panorama to cloud management, Palo Alto Networks offers an in-product workflow that lets you migrate your existing Prisma Access configuration to Strata Cloud Manager. While this migration workflow is disabled by default, you can reach out to your account teams to enable this feature and begin the migration to cloud management.
Benefits of moving to cloud management include:
  • Continuous best practice assessments
  • Secure default configurations
  • Machine Learning (ML)-based configuration optimization
  • Simplified web security workflow
  • Comprehensive and actionable visualizations
  • Intuitive workflows for complex tasks
  • Simple and secure management APIs
  • Cloud-native architecture provides scalability, resilience, and global reach
  • No hardware to manage or software to maintain

View and Monitor Dynamic Privilege Access

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Dynamic Privilege Access enables Prisma Access to apply different network and Security policy rules to mobile user flows based on the project your users are working on. In the Strata Cloud Manager Command Center, you can view user-based access information in your environment.
Gain visibility into your Prisma Access Agent deployment by using Strata Cloud Manager to monitor your users' project activity. In the Strata Cloud Manager Command Center, you can view project-based access information in your environment.

Support for Deleting Connector IP Blocks

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
To allow more flexibility after you configure Connector IP Blocks, you can now delete and update the Connector IP Blocks. However, you can delete the Connector IP Blocks only after you delete all the ZTNA objects such as connectors, applications, wildcards, and connector-groups on the tenant.

Strata Cloud Manager: Cross-Scope Referenceability in Snippets

July 24, 2024
Supported for
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
Enterprises need to enforce configuration objects and global settings consistently across all deployments. By referencing global settings across various scopes, such as snippets or folders, organizations can streamline operations, eliminate redundant configurations, and enhance centralized management. For example, organizations can effectively manage custom URL categories for access policy rules, threat prevention profiles, zones, addresses, and other objects representing standard network segments.
This feature allows you to reference any common configurations or objects attached to a global scope and push to
s or
Prisma Access
deployments. These shared objects and configurations within the global scope are available to all the snippets. Snippets associated with the global scope are considered a global snippet, and the objects defined within these snippets can be referenced across any snippets in the configuration. This simplifies the process of managing configurations from a single location, updating, and enforcing global standards across all deployments.

Strata Cloud Manager: Disable Default HIP Profiles

July 24, 2024
Supported for
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
  • NGFW (Managed by Panorama or Strata Cloud Manager)
The default HIP objects and HIP profiles in
Strata Cloud Manager
have been moved from the Global-Default snippet to the HIP-Default snippet, providing greater flexibility in managing the default HIP profiles. You can choose to disable the default HIP profiles by disassociating the HIP-Default snippet from the global folder.

Enterprise DLP: File Type Exclusion

July 24, 2024
Supported for:
  • NGFW (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (E-DLP)
now supports creating a file type exclusion list when modifying a DLP Rule to define the type of traffic to inspect, the impacted file types, action, and log severity for the data profile match criteria. Creating a file type exclusion list, rather than an inclusion list, instructs the
Prisma Access
tenant to forward all file types except for those specified in the exclusion list to
Enterprise DLP
for inspection and verdict rendering. A DLP Rule can be configured with an inclusion or exclusion file type list, but not both.

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