View and Monitor Dynamic Privilege Access Users
Prisma Access

View and Monitor Dynamic Privilege Access Users

Table of Contents

View and Monitor Dynamic Privilege Access Users

View and monitor Dynamic Privilege Access user information in your environment.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Dynamic Privilege Access enables Prisma Access to apply different network and Security policy rules to mobile user flows based on the project your users are working on. Go to
in the Strata Cloud Manager Command Center to view user-based access information in your environment.

Connected Users

Connected Users
to view current connected users or connected user devices. The up or down arrow compares this time range with a previous time range to determine the difference, in percentage, in number of connected users or devices.
View Trend by Users
to view the number of users currently connected to Prisma Access Agent, and click
View Trend by User Devices
to see the number of user devices currently connected to Prisma Access Agent.
Project Distribution by Theatre
to see the number of projects by location, or theater.
Users | Devices
table shows the
Project Name
associated with each user and device. You can also see how many devices are connected by user, last login time, last source location, last connected Prisma Access location, the source Internet Protocol, and OS family and version.
Select any
Project Name
to go to the
Select any
User Name
to view user details such as


URL Browsing Category Summary- Data Transfer
—View your browsing category data transfer summary
By Data Transfer
By Session Count
. You can also view a list of the
Top 10 URL Categories
, sorted by data transferred.
URL Browsing Summary
—See your URL browsing summary, including all URLs that you accessed by risk. You can view a breakdown of URLs by risk (High, Medium, or Low) and see how many malicious URLs you accessed. You can also view a list of the
Top 10 URLs
visited, and how many times you visited each URL.
View URL Filtering Logs
View URL Filtering Logs
to view details about total data transferred. The logs provide an audit trail for system, configuration, and network events. Network logs record all events where Prisma Access acts on your network.
  • View all log data, or use the drop-down to filter by
    , or
    . Each of these filters has several subfilters to choose from, as well.
  • Enter a log query. Click in this field to view a selection of queries to start with, and build your query.
  • Select a time range. The default is past 60 minutes.
  • Select
    Log Settings
    to view the Strata Logging Service dashboard. Strata Logging Service manages the delivery mechanism for logs.
Blocked URLs by Risk
—See whether you have accessed, or tried to access, any URLs blocked by risk. High-risk URLs might create additional security challenges, such as exposure to potential threat propagation, data loss, or compliance violations. Enforce any policy changes necessary to block any undesired sites. You can also see a list of the
Top 10 Blocked URLs
that you visited most, sorted by the number of sessions.
Severe Threats
—See how many of your threats are severe. Severe threats are further broken down into Critical, High, and Medium threats. You can also view a list of the
Top 10 Severe Threats Seen
in your environment.


Select any
name to view information about the user's
during the
Time Range
Active Projects
—You can see which projects were active during the time range you selected, and the date that each project became active.
Connected User's Devices Trend and Connected User's Devices
—On the main Users page, you could see all connected users and their projects. On the
page, view your individual
Connected User's Devices
trend during the time range selected and details about your
Connected User's Devices
, such as device name, last user source IP address, last private IP address, last user location, last login time, last logout time, and last session duration.
Project Activity
—View a user's project activity by session. You can see the current status of a session, when the user logged into each project, when they logged out, and how long each session lasted.
Total User Activity by Project
—View the time a user spent on each project during the time range selected.

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