Explicit Proxy Configuration Guidelines
Prisma Access

Explicit Proxy Configuration Guidelines

Table of Contents

Explicit Proxy Configuration Guidelines

Describes the software and network requirements you need to successfully deploy Prisma Access Explicit Proxy.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Prisma Access license
System Requirements and Supported Features
These are the system requirements and supported features for the different connection methods you can use with Explicit Proxy.
Agentless SAMLAgentless KerberosProxy Mode on Agent (requires GP 6.2 or later)Proxy Mode on Remote Networks Prisma Access Browser
Applications and OS Support
Traffic Type Internet and public SaaS traffic onlyInternet and public SaaS traffic onlyInternet and public SaaS traffic, and private application trafficInternet and public SaaS traffic onlyInternet and public SaaS traffic, and private application traffic
Protocol SupportsProxy aware HTTP or HTTPSProxy aware HTTP or HTTPSProxy aware HTTP or HTTPS (All TCP traffic with GlobalProtect 6.3.1)Proxy aware HTTP or HTTPSProxy aware HTTP or HTTPS
Transport Channel to Prisma AccessHTTP ConnectHTTP ConnectHTTP Connect inside TLSHTTP Connect inside IPSec from branch to Prisma AccessHTTP Connect inside TLS
Environments SupportedWindows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, VDI
Windows, Mac, Linux,
ChromeOS, VDI
Windows and Mac
All HTTP proxy devices with skip authentication
Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
App SupportProxy aware HTTP(s) appsAny app that honors a PAC file or system proxy setting and supports Kerberos Proxy aware HTTP(s) appsProxy aware HTTP(s) appsProxy aware HTTP(s) apps
Browser SupportChrome⁂, Edge, Firefox versions 115 or laterChrome⁂, Edge, Firefox versions 115 or laterChrome⁂, Edge, Firefox versions 115 or later*Chrome⁂, Edge, Firefox versions 115 or laterNot Applicable
O365 Support†Browser and client appsBrowser and client appsBrowser and client appsBrowser and client appsBrowser
User-ID‡ Decrypted and non-HTTP CORS trafficAll Supported TrafficAll Supported TrafficDepending on whether you're using SAML or Kerberos: decrypted/non-CORS X-Authenticated-User trafficAll browser supported traffic based on the users authenticated by the browser.
Auth SupportedSAML (Any SAML 2.0 IDPs or through CIE)KerberosAll GlobalProtect Supported Auth SAML, Kerberos, X-Authenticated-User-basedPrisma Access Browser supported authentication
Skip AuthBy Domain and by Source IPBy Domain and by Source IPBy DomainBy Domain and by Source IPNot Supported
User Group DirectoryAll CIE-Supported DirectoriesAll CIE-Supported DirectoriesAll CIE-Supported DirectoriesAll CIE-Supported DirectoriesAll CIE-Supported Directories
License Mobile User Unit per userMobile User Unit per userMobile User Unit per userMobile User unit per user or headless device and NET units for bandwidth for remote networksPrisma Access enterprise license. Prisma Access business premium license or ZTNA license with add-on Prisma Access Browser license
Multitenant Panorama
Multitenant Cloud Management SupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Security Services
SaaS InlineSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
DNS Security§SupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Advanced URL FilteringSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Advanced WildFireSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Advanced Threat PreventionSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
Remote Browser IsolationSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
HIP SupportNot SupportedNot SupportedSupported (Tunnel and Proxy mode)Not SupportedNot Supported
Infrastructure Services
Private IP Visibility and EnforcementNot SupportedNot SupportedSupported for known sites or branchesSupportedNot Supported
Egress NATSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
ZTNA ConnectorNot SupportedNot SupportedSupportedNot SupportedSupported
Colo ConnectNot SupportedNot SupportedSupportedNot SupportedSupported
Service ConnectionsSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
DNS ProxySupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
⁂ For the Chrome browser, follow the instructions listed below to disable TLS 1.3 Kyber, if decryption is enabled:
  1. Open the Chrome browser.
  2. Add chrome://flags/#enable-tls13-kyber in the address bar and disable it.
  3. Click Relaunch.
If you need to disable Kyber in Prisma Access Browser use the management console.
* For Proxy Mode on Agent, Firefox requires a manual policy rule pushed through Mobile Device Management that instructs it to honor the system proxy
Explicit Proxy supports only HTTP traffic, not UDP. With SAML, Explicit Proxy does not provide User-ID for client apps flows. For Agent proxy, you need to use a PAC file to send client app authentication flows to the cloud proxy.
No User-ID is available for auth bypass.
§ You can't apply DNS Security profiles to Explicit Proxy flows. Block domains instead.
App Support Considerations
  1. Explicit Proxy does not support apps that need IP affinity. The app must support traffic coming from multiple IPs for a given user session.
  2. Explicit Proxy downgrades decrypted HTTP/2 Flows to HTTP/1.
  3. Explicit Proxy does not fetch on-premises external dynamic lists.
  4. Agentless SAML only:
    1. Configure an SSL decryption policy to allow auth bypass by domain for agentless PAC-based Explicit Proxy with SAML Auth
      Decryption is required for Prisma Access to read the authentication state cookie set up by Prisma Access on the mobile user's browser. Failing to enforce decryption enables the abuse of Explicit Proxy as an open proxy that can attackers can use as a forwarding service for denial-of-service attacks.
    2. In traffic logs, Explicit Proxy will show undecrypted and HTTP-CORS mobile user traffic logs as SWG-authenticated users.
    3. Make a note of the following browser requirements and usage guidelines:
      • If you use Explicit Proxy, don't disable cookies in your browser; if you do, you can't browse any webpages.
      • If you're using Explicit Proxy with Microsoft Edge, be sure to set SettingsPrivacy, Search, and ServicesTracking prevention to Basic.
Connectivity Requirements
If mobile users are connecting from remote sites or headquarters or data center locations using an Explicit Proxy, the mobile user endpoint must be able to reach and route to the IdP, ACS FQDN, Explicit Proxy URL, and URL of the PAC file hosted by Prisma Access.
PAC File Requirements and Guidelines—Follow the PAC File Guidelines when you set up the PAC file to use with Explicit Proxy.
Proxy Chaining Guidelines—If you use proxy chaining from a third-party proxy to Explicit Proxy, specify the Explicit Proxy URL in the third-party proxy to forward traffic to Explicit Proxy.
On-Premises Support—Explicit Proxy is a cloud-based proxy solution and not an on-premises product. For an on-premises proxy solution, configure a PAN-OS web proxy.