Configure Dynamic DNS Updates for Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
Prisma Access

Configure Dynamic DNS Updates for Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)

Table of Contents

Configure Dynamic DNS Updates for
Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)

  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , go to
    and click the gear to edit the
    Infrastructure Settings
  2. Select
    Advanced Settings
  3. Configure the
    Dynamic DNS Support
    1. Select
      Dynamic DNS Support for GlobalProtect
    2. Select the
      Domain Type
      • Fallback Domain
        —The domain used for the nsupdate events falls back to the domain you specify in the
        Fallback Domain
        area. Use this choice if the GlobalProtect clients are not joined to any domain, or if they are domain-joined to the same domain that the DDNS service uses to update the records on the DNS server.
        If you select
        Fallback Domain
        and users who are not connected to a domain log into GlobalProtect, their information is added under the fallback domain zone that's created on the DNS server.
        If GlobalProtect clients that are logging in to GlobalProtect belong to an unexpected domain that isn't configured on the DNS server, nsupdate might fail; in this case; select
        Override Domain
        to override the unknown domain with the domain that is known to the DNS server.
      • Override Domain
        Prisma Access
        uses only the domain you specify to update the DNS server and overrides all other domains. If GlobalProtect clients log in to another domain, the DDNS service uses the domain you specify here to update the DNS A and PTR records.
    3. Select the domain that is used to update the PTR records for either fallback or override domains in the
      Fallback Domain
    4. Select the
      DNS Server IP
    5. Select the
      Server Type
    6. (
      TSIG Deployments Only
      ) Select the
      TSIG Key
      to use with TSIG.
      Make sure that the TSIG file is in the correct format and has a filetype of .key. The TSIG file should be in the following format:
      key "ddns-gp" { algorithm hmac-sha256; secret "aBCDEFGhiJklMNO89PQR+8stUVWX+YZAbcdeFgHI5J="; };
    7. (
      Kerberos Deployments Only
      ) Specify the Kerberos options to use.
      • Enter the IP address of the
        Kerberos Domain Controller
      • Enter the IP address of the
        Kerberos Admin Server
      • Enter the
        Kerberos User Name
      • Enter the
        Kerberos Key
        (the keytab) to use.
        Be sure that the Kerberos key is in the correct format.
  4. Save
    your changes.
  5. Set up forward lookup and reverse lookup zones on your DNS server.
    Refer to the documentation for your IPAM vendor to set up these zones. This step requires that you enter the
    Infrastructure Subnet
    Client IP Pool
    Prisma Access
    • To find the infrastructure subnet, go to
      Prisma Access Setup
      Prisma Access
      and make a note of the
      Infrastructure Subnet
    • To find the GlobalProtect mobile user IP address pool, go to
      Prisma Access Setup
      and make a note of the
      Client IP Pool
  6. Verify that DNS records are being updated on the IPAM DNS server.
    1. Open a client machine and connect to a
      Prisma Access
      GlobalProtect gateway.
    2. Select GlobalProtect
      and verify the GlobalProtect IP address that
      Prisma Access
      assigned to the user.
      Assigned IP Address(es)
      ( shows that the IP address comes from the GlobalProtect IP address pool (
    3. From the IPAM DNS server, view the user's record.
      In this example, the user is named
      The DNS reverse lookup also displays the username in the PTR record.
    4. Log the user off from GlobalProtect and check the records to make sure that the DNS server has deleted the records for the user.

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