Switch Between the Prisma Access Agent and GlobalProtect App
Prisma Access

Switch Between the Prisma Access Agent and GlobalProtect App

Table of Contents

Switch Between the
Prisma Access Agent
and GlobalProtect App

Learn how to switch to the GlobalProtect app after you installed the Prisma Access Agent and how to switch back to the Prisma Access Agent.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access Agent
  • macOS 12 or later desktop devices or Windows 10 version 2024 or later or Windows 11 desktop devices
  • Internet access
In some organizations, the
Prisma Access Agent
is installed on user devices that already have the GlobalProtect app installed. After installing the
Prisma Access Agent
, you can switch between the
Prisma Access Agent
and the GlobalProtect app as needed.
You can use either the Prisma Access Agent app or the Prisma Access command-line tool (PACli) to switch between the two apps.

Switch Between the
Prisma Access Agent
and the GlobalProtect App Using the
Prisma Access Agent

When the
Prisma Access Agent
is installed on your device, the GlobalProtect app is automatically disabled (if it's installed on your device).
If your administrator configured the feature to allow users to disable the
Prisma Access Agent
, you can use the
Prisma Access Agent
app to disable the
Prisma Access Agent
. After you disable the
Prisma Access Agent
, you can start the GlobalProtect app.
Your administrator must contact the Palo Alto Networks team to enable this tenant-level feature. It is not available as an agent setting on
Strata Cloud Manager
  • To switch from the
    Prisma Access Agent
    to the GlobalProtect app:
    1. Open the
      Prisma Access Agent
      and sign out of the
      Prisma Access Agent
      . Sign in again to make the disable feature appear in the
      Prisma Access Agent
    2. Click the hamburger menu to open the preferences window.
    3. Disable
      Prisma Access Agent
    4. Close the preferences window.
      Prisma Access Agent
      is disabled.
    5. Start the GlobalProtect app and
      to GlobalProtect.
  • To switch from the GlobalProtect app to the
    Prisma Access Agent
    1. Open the GlobalProtect app.
    2. Click the options menu and select
    3. Launch the
      Prisma Access Agent
    4. Click the hamburger menu to open the preferences window.
    5. Enable
      Prisma Access Agent
    6. Close the preferences window.
      Prisma Access Agent
      has been enabled but it is disconnected.
    7. Click the lock icon to connect to the
      Prisma Access

Switch Between the
Prisma Access Agent
and the GlobalProtect App Using the PACli Tool

To switch between the
Prisma Access Agent
and the GlobalProtect app, run the
Prisma Access
command-line tool (PACli). When switching to the GlobalProtect app, you may be prompted to provide the anti-tamper password that the administrator set up during the onboarding of the
Prisma Access Agent
. Switching to the desired app disables the current app that you have been using.
  1. To switch from the Prisma Access Agent to the GlobalProtect app:
    1. Run the
      command to switch agents:
      • On macOS devices, open a Terminal window and issue the following command:
        sudo /Applications/Prisma\ Access\ Agent.app/Contents/Helpers/pacli switchto GlobalProtect
      • On Windows devices, open a Command Prompt window and issue the following command:
        "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Prisma Access Agent\pacli" switchto GlobalProtect
    2. If prompted, enter
      to switch to the GlobalProtect app.
    3. When prompted, enter the anti-tamper (supervisor) password.
      This action disables the anti-tamper feature for the Prisma Access Agent, stops the Prisma Access Agent service, and starts the GlobalProtect service. An entry is written to the Prisma Access audit event log to indicate that the Prisma Access Agent was switched to GlobalProtect using the PACli tool.
  2. To switch back to the Prisma Access Agent:
    1. Run the
      command to switch agents:
      • On macOS devices, open a Terminal window and issue the following command:
        sudo /Applications/Prisma\ Access\ Agent.app/Contents/Helpers/pacli switchto PrismaAccessAgent
      • On Windows devices, open a Command Prompt window and issue the following command:
        "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Prisma Access Agent\pacli" switchto PrismaAccessAgent
    2. If prompted, enter
      to switch to the Prisma Access Agent.
      This action stops the GlobalProtect service and starts the Prisma Access Agent service, along with the anti-tamper feature. An entry is written to the Prisma Access audit event log to indicate that the GlobalProtect app was switched to the Prisma Access Agent using the PACli tool.

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