Upgrade the Cloud Services Plugin
Prisma Access

Upgrade the Cloud Services Plugin

Table of Contents

Upgrade the Cloud Services Plugin

Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
  • Minimum Required Prisma Access Version 5.2, 5.2.1, or 5.2.2 Preferred or Innovation
Use the following procedure to upgrade the Cloud Services plugin.
Prisma Access uses the Cloud Services plugin in Panorama to activate its functionality.
For a list of the Panorama software versions that are supported with Prisma Access, see Minimum Required Panorama Software Versions in the Palo Alto Networks Compatibility Matrix.
Before you upgrade the plugin, remove any non-Prisma Access templates from Prisma Access template stacks to avoid commit validation errors after upgrade and make sure that the Panorama that manages Prisma Access is running a supported PAN-OS version.
Use one of the following tasks to download and install the Cloud Services plugin.
HA Deployments Only—If you have two Panorama appliances configured in High Availability (HA) mode, install the plugin on the Primary HA pair first, then the Secondary.
  1. Determine the upgrade path for the plugin to which you want to upgrade.
    For some upgrade paths, you need to upgrade your plugin sequentially. For example, to upgrade from a 3.0 Preferred plugin to a 5.2 plugin, you must first perform interim upgrades to 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, and 5.1 before upgrading to 5.2.
  2. Download and install the Cloud Services plugin versions you require.
    • To download and install the Cloud Services plugin by downloading it from the Customer Support Portal, complete the following steps.
      1. Log in to the Customer Support Portal and select Software Updates,
      2. Find the Cloud Services plugin in the Panorama Integration Plug In section and download it.
        Do not rename the plugin file or you will not be able to install it on Panorama.
      3. Log in to the Panorama Web Interface of the Panorama you licensed for use with the Prisma Access, select PanoramaPluginsUpload and Browse for the plugin File that you downloaded from the CSP.
      4. Install the plugin.
    • To download and install the new version of the Cloud Services plugin directly from Panorama, complete the following steps:
      1. Select PanoramaPlugins and click Check Now to display the latest Cloud Services plugin updates.
      2. Download the plugin version you want to install.
      3. After downloading the plugin, Install it.
  3. (Upgrades from Versions Lower than 3.2 to Versions 3.2 or Later) Select Commit Commit to Panorama to save your changes locally on the Panorama that manages Prisma Access.
    You only need to do a local commit to Panorama if you're upgrading from a Cloud Services plugin earlier than 3.2 to a plugin that is 3.2 or later. Upgrades from a version later than 3.2 don't require a local commit.