: Manage Single Tenant Transition Through Common Services

Manage Single Tenant Transition Through Common Services

Table of Contents

Manage Single Tenant Transition Through
Common Services

Learn how to manage your transition from a single tenant environment to a multitenant environment.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • The
  • Single tenant environment
  • IAM role of Superuser, Multitenant Superuser, Multitenant IAM Admin
Identity and Access enables you to manage the transition from a single tenant environment to a multitenant environment.
  1. Use one of the various ways to access
    Identity & Access
  2. Select
    You won't see this menu if you're a managed security service provider (MSSP) or distributed enterprise with a multitenant hierarchy. In a multitenant environment, you can manage and monitor your tenants through tenant management and the
    Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
  3. Add a new tenant.
    The new tenant becomes a child tenant of the existing tenant. What is a tenant? You can create your tenant hierarchy to reflect your existing organizational structure. You can also consider identity and access inheritance when creating the hierarchy, in addition to tenant hierarchy limits.
  4. (
    ) Edit the tenant.
  5. (
    ) Delete the tenant.

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