Table of Contents

Edit a Tenant Through
Common Services

Learn about editing a tenant through
Common Services
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • The
  • Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
  • Prisma SASE Multitenant Portal
  • Commercial or FedRAMP deployments
  • IAM role of Superuser, Multitenant Superuser, Multitenant IAM Admin
After you create a tenant, you can edit it. You can change the tenant name, business vertical, or support contact person.
  1. Use one of the various ways to access
    If you have a single tenant environment, you will see
    instead. The steps are the same.
  2. Select the tenant that you want to edit.
  3. Select
    Edit Tenant
  4. Change the tenant name, business vertical, or information of a person to contact for support purposes.
  5. Save

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