Table of Contents

Edit a Tenant Through Common Services

Learn about editing a tenant through Common Services.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • The hub
  • Strata Multitenant Cloud Manager
  • Prisma SASE Multitenant Portal
  • Commercial or FedRAMP deployments
  • IAM role of Superuser, Multitenant Superuser, Multitenant IAM Admin
When you create a tenant, you define attributes such as name and support contact to describe its purpose and management. You can edit these tenant details at any time, for example, when a support contact changes. This topic outlines the process for editing tenant details.
  1. Use one of the various ways to access Tenants.
    If you have a single tenant environment, you will see Products instead. The steps are the same.
  2. Select the tenant that you want to edit.
  3. Select Edit Tenant.
  4. Change any of the details about the tenant, as needed.
    • Name—Descriptive name that identifies the tenant.
    • Business Vertical—Primary industry or sector in which the tenant operates. This helps categorize and understand the tenant's main focus and potential needs. (For example, Wholesale & Retail.)
      Support Contact—Information of a person to contact for support purposes. (For example, John Smith, IT Manager -, +1 555-123-4567)
    • User Inactivity Timeout—Number of minutes after which Strata Cloud Manager will log idle users out of the tenant. Choose a value between 10 and 60 minutes (30 minutes is default).
      New tenants automatically inherit the default timeout value from the parent tenant. After you modify the timeout value for a child tenant, the value is maintained independently.
  5. Save.