: Activate a License for Multitenant Service Provider Backbone Through Common Services

Activate a License for Multitenant Service Provider Backbone Through Common Services

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Activate a License for Multitenant Service Provider Backbone Through Common Services

Learn how to activate a multitenant service provider (sp) backbone through Common Services.
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access license
  • Service Provider (SP) Backbone license
  • Email activation link
  • Role: Multitenant Superuser or Superuser
Service Provider (SP) Backbones enable service providers to offer granular Prisma Access egress traffic routes to their customers. Verify if this activation process applies to you.
SP Backbone activation can be done only at the top-most, root-level, parent tenant. Only one backbone license can be claimed per root tenant. The first step is to create a backbone configuration. After creating the backbone configuration, you can activate the license at the root level of your tenant hierarchy. After that is done, subtenants can be activated to use the backbone that is set up.
The following steps assume that you have already added tenants to create a multitenant hierarchy and created a backbone configuration.
After you receive an email from Palo Alto Networks identifying the Service Provider (SP) Backbone license you are activating, click the email link to begin the activation process.
  1. Select Get Started with Service Provider Backbone in your email.
  2. You are automatically directed to Common ServicesSubscription & Add-ons, where you activate the subscription for your product.
  3. Select an existing top-most, root-level, parent Tenant:
  4. Select the Customer Support Account for the tenant.
  5. Agree to the terms and conditions, and Activate.
  6. Common ServicesTenant Management displays the status of the activation, such as initializing or complete.
  7. After the status is complete, you can activate a Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager) license for any tenant in the multitenant hierarchy and assign the SP Backbone to it.
  8. For Add SP Interconnect to Tenant, select one of the following:
    • Use Prisma Access backbone to use Prisma Access for egress traffic. This uses public cloud providers for network backbone, such as: GCP, AWS, Azure.
    • Use Service Provider backbone to use internet service provider backbones for Prisma Access egress traffic, such as: BT, Orange, AT&T. Choose one of the backbones that you configured.
  9. If you selected to use a Service Provider backbone, you can Set Region Exceptions to exclude internet service provider backbones in these regions. The excluded regions use Prisma Access for network backbone instead.
  10. Save and done.
  11. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and Activate.
  12. (Optional) Manage and monitor your service provider backbones and connections.
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