: Prisma Access Alerts

Prisma Access Alerts

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Prisma Access Alerts

Learn about the issues that Prisma Access detects and alerts you to.
Prisma Access shows you open and resolved alerts from the past 30 days, although you can narrow your alert view to focus in on specific time periods.
Select any alert to learn more about the what’s happening and the impact to your mobile users and remote sites. You can also subscribe to status updates for Palo Alto Networks cloud services for further information.

Priority Alerts

Priority Alerts describe the status of your Prisma Access environment, especially if something is not working as expected.
Prisma Access generates alerts when an issue is raised and also when it’s resolved so that you know it’s been addressed. You cannot manually resolve alerts—an alert is only considered resolved when the underlying conditions that triggered the alert have been fixed. Some alerts let you know about issues that the Prisma Access team is working on; others let you know about issues that you can resolve with a configuration update.

Open Alerts By Severity

You can see how many alerts are open by severity. The color of the vertical lines represents the severity of the alerts:
  • High severity—Red
  • Medium severity—Orange
  • Low severity—Yellow
The number to the right of the horizontal alerts bar tells you how many alerts there are with that severity. Click the number to open those alerts.

Open Alerts Distribution Over Time

You can see how many alerts were open during the Time Range selected. Click anywhere on the graph to see how many alerts are open at that time.

Total Alerts

The (Number of) Total Alerts table includes details about all open alerts.
  • Severity—The color of the vertical lines indicates severity, as described in Open Alerts By Severity.
  • ID—Unique ID for the alert.
  • Alert Name—Unique alert name.
  • Primary Impacted Objects—The tenant and subtenant ID affected by the alert.
  • Code—Relevant Alert Codes.
Select an Alert Name to open the Alert Details side panel and view all details about the alert you selected. Select the down arrows to the right in the panel to see information about this alert’s Impacted & Related Objects and the alert History.

Informational Alerts

Informational Alerts notify you about upcoming software upgrades and status for upgrades that are in progress or completed. Click any row to see more information about the alert. This table can be filtered by Time Range or Alert Code. You can activate the Alert Code filter from the Filter icon.

Alert Details

To understand the alert codes that appear in your alert emails, see Alert Codes.