: Create Steering Rules on Panorama

Create Steering Rules on Panorama

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Create Steering Rules on Panorama

Do not apply the traffic redirection policies unless you understand how rules work on the NSX-V Manager as well as on the VM-Series firewall and Panorama. The default policy on the VM-Series firewall is set to deny all traffic, which means that all traffic redirected to the VM-Series firewall will be dropped. To create policies on Panorama and push them to the VM-Series firewall, see Apply Policies to the VM-Series Firewall.
Create security policy rules in the associated device group. For each security rule set the Rule Type to Intrazone, select one zone in the associated template stack, and select the dynamic address groups as the source and destination. Creating a qualifying security policy in Panorama helps in the creation of a corresponding steering rule on NSX-V Manager upon steering rule generation and commit in Panorama.
  1. Create security policy.
    1. In Panorama, select PoliciesSecurityPre Rules.
    2. Verify that you are configuring the dynamic address groups in a device group associated with an NSX-V service definition.
    3. Click Add and enter a Name and Description for your security policy rule.
    4. Set the Rule Type to intrazone (Devices with PAN-OS 6.1 or later).
    5. In the Source tab, set the source zone to the zone from the template stack associated with the service definition. Then select a dynamic address group (NSX-V security group) you created previously as the Source Address. Do not add any static address groups, IP ranges, or netmasks as a Source Address.
    6. In the Destination tab, Panorama does not allow you to set a destination zone because you set the rule type to intrazone. Then select a dynamic address group (NSX-V security group) you created previously as the Destination Address. Do not add any static address groups, IP ranges, or netmasks as a Destination Address.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each steering rule you require.
    9. Commit your changes.
  2. Generate steering rules.
    Panorama generates a steering rule for each qualifying security policy rule.
    1. Select PanoramaVMwareNSX-VSteering Rules.
    2. Select Auto-Generate Steering Rules.
      Panorama will populate the list of steering rules based on qualified security policy rules in the device group attached in the service definition.
    3. (Optional) Modify the NSX Traffic Direction and add NSX-V Services to a Steering Rule.
      By default, the NSX Traffic Direction is set to inout and no NSX-V Services are selected. When no NSX-V Services are specified, any type of traffic is redirected to the VM-Series firewall.
      1. Select the auto-generated steering to be modified.
      2. To change the traffic direction, select the direction from the NSX Traffic Direction drop-down.
      3. Click Add under NSX Services and choose a service from the Services drop-down. Repeat this step to add additional services.
      4. Click OK.
    4. If you deleted any steering rules, click Auto-Generate Steering Rules before committing your changes.
    5. Commit your changes.
  3. Verify that the corresponding traffic steering rules were created on the NSX-V Manager.
    1. Select Network and SecurityFirewallConfigurationPartner Security Services.
    2. Confirm that the traffic steering rules your created on Panorama are listed.