Create an AI Runtime Security Deployment Profile
AI Runtime Security

Create an AI Runtime Security Deployment Profile

Table of Contents

Create an AI Runtime Security Deployment Profile

Create an
AI Runtime Security
Deployment Profile in the Palo Alto Networks Customer Support Portal (CSP) and associate it with a tenant service group.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • AI Runtime Security
  • AI Runtime Security
    Licenses (BYOL)
This page shows how to create a new deployment profile for your
AI Runtime Security
license in the Palo Alto Customer Support Portal (CSP) and associate that deployment profile with a Tenant Service Group (TSG).
Licensing Capacity Limit: Limited to processing up to 10K AI transactions per day per vCPU of AI Runtime Security instance.
  1. Log in to the Palo Alto
    Customer Support Portal
  2. Select
    Software/Cloud NGFW Credits
  3. Locate your credit pool and click
    Create Deployment Profile
  4. Select
    AI Runtime Security
    and then
    PAN-OS 11.2.2
    and click
  5. Enter the AI Runtime Security details such as
    Profile Name
    Number of AI runtime security instances
    , and
    Planned vCPU per instance
    AI Runtime Security
    instance (firewall) requires a minimum of 4 vCPUs.
  6. Click
    Create Deployment Profile
    You can't customize the subscriptions and services used by AI Runtime Security.

Associate a Deployment Profile to a TSG

After creating your deployment profile, you must now associate that deployment profile with a TSG.
  1. Log in to Palo Alto Networks
    Customer Support Portal
  2. Select
    Software/Cloud NGFW Credits
  3. Locate your credit pool you used to create the deployment profile and click
  4. Locate your
    AI Runtime Security
    deployment profile and click
    Finish Setup
    You're redirected to the
    Activate Subscriptions based on Deployment Profile(s)
    page on the Hub to associate the deployment profile with a TSG.
  5. Select the customer support account used to create your deployment profile from the
    Customer Support Account
  6. Select the Tenant. Note: Verify that the SLS is enabled for this tenant.
  7. Select the
    . (Note: AI Runtime Security instance is only available in the United States (Americas) region).
  8. Select the deployment profile you created previously. If you have any existing deployment profiles associated with your tenant, don't uncheck them. Doing so will disassociate them from the tenant.
  9. Select a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) instance. If you don't have one, select
    Create New
  10. Enter a
  11. Agree to the
    Terms and Conditions
  12. Click
  13. You can verify that the TSG association succeeded by logging into the Hub and selecting
    Common Services
    → Tenant Management
    and select your tenant.

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