AI Runtime Security
Configure Panorama to Secure VM Workloads and Kubernetes Clusters
Table of Contents
Configure Panorama to Secure VM Workloads and Kubernetes Clusters
Panorama configurations to secure your VM workloads/vNets and Kubernetes clusters
post downloading the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept deployment Terraform template
for Panorama in Strata Cloud Manager.
This page covers the configurations you need to secure your VM workloads/vNets
and Kubernetes clusters, and route traffic after you apply the Panorama managed
deployment Terraform template in your cloud environment.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
On this page you will:
- Configure the following in Panorama:
- Interfaces
- Zones
- NAT Policy
- Routers
- Security Policies
- Secure VM workloads
- Secure Kubernetes clusters
- Install a Kubernetes application with Helm
- (Optional) Configure labels in your cloud environment for manual deployments.The deployment Terraform you generate from Strata Cloud Manager, automatically adds the required labels to organize your AI Runtime Security: network intercept. For manual deployments, ensure you have the following labels (key-value pairs) in your Terraform template.
- Add the following labels (key-value pairs) under Tags in the Terraform template file under your downloaded path `<azure|aws-deployment-terraform-path>/architecture/security_project/terraform.tfvars`. The value of these keys must be unique.
- For GCP: `paloaltonetworks_com-trust` and `paloaltonetworks_com-occupied`.
- For Azure and AWS: `` and ``.
- Ensure, the network interface name in the security_project Terraform is suffixed by `-trust-vpc`.
Expand allCollapse all
AI Runtime Security is only supported for public
clusters on GCP, Azure, and AWS cloud platforms.
- Deploy AI Runtime Security: Network Intercept for Panorama Managed Firewall specific to your cloud to Save and Download the Terraform template.
- Unzip and navigate to the `<unzipped-folder>` that has the following
structure:|____architecture |____LICENSE | |____security_project |____application_project |____helm |____modules
- Enable SSL/TLS decryption on AI Runtime Security to decrypt traffic between AI applications and AI models. Refer to Configure an SSL/TLS Service Profile in Panorama (Device > Certificate Management > SSL/TLS Service Profile) details.
- Add a Template and configure a Template stack in Panorama.
- Add a Device group in Panorama.
- After you create a template stack and a device group in Panorama, the first Commit All Changes pushes all the configuration changes to the Panorama managed firewall.
- You can also schedule a Configuration Push
to Managed Firewalls after deploying an AI network
intercept managed by Panorama, and then select
Commit -> Commit to Panorama and Commit -> Push to
Devices. (This flexibility allows you to decide the order of
operations that best suits your deployment workflow). Select the AI Runtime Security platform under Device Groups in the Push Scope Selection.
AI Runtime Security post deployment configurations in Panorama and GCP
to protect VM workloads and Kubernetes clusters.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
- Configure Interfaces:
- Navigate to Network > Interfaces.
- Configure Ethernet Interfaces: Configure a Layer 3 Interface for eth1/1 and eth1/2:
- Interfaces: eth1/1 and eth1/2
- Location: Specify the location if applicable
- Interface Type: Layer3
- IP Address: Dynamic (DHCP Client)
- Navigate to Network > Interfaces > Loopback:
- In IPv4s, enter the ILB (Internal Load Balancer) private IP address.
- Set Security Zone to trust for eth1/2 and untrust for eth1/1.
- Ensure VR (Virtual Router) is set to default or the same as eth1/2.
- Configure Zones.
- Configure a logical router:
- Create a Logical Router and add the Layer 3 interfaces (eth1/1 and eth1/2).
- Configure a Static Route with the ILB static IP addresses for routing. Use the trust interface gateway IP address.
You don’t have to configure the Virtual router, as advanced routing is enabled by default on AI Runtime Security: Network intercept. - Add a security policy. Set the action to Allow.Ensure the policy allows health checks from the GCP Load Balancer (LB) pool to the internal LB IP from Panorama. Check session IDs to ensure the firewall responds correctly on the designated interfaces.Select Commit → Commit and Push, to push the policy configurations to the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept.
Configurations to Secure VM Workloads
- Configure Static Routes for VPC endpoints.
- For VPC subnet:
- Edit the IPv4 Static Routes and add the route for the VPC IPv4 range CIDR subnets.
- Set the Next Hop as eth1/2.
- Set the Destination as the trust subnet gateway IP from Strata Cloud Manager.
- Update the static route.
Save the Logical Router.
- Push the policy configurations to the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept managed by Panorama (Panorama > Scheduled Config Push).
Configurations to Secure the Kubernetes Clusters
- Add pod and service IP Subnets to AI Runtime Security trust firewall rules:
- Get the IP addresses for pod and service subnets:
- Go to Kubernetes Engine -> Clusters.
- Select a Cluster and copy the Cluster Pod IPv4 and IPv4 Service range IP addresses.
- Follow the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept deployment in GCP to save and download the Terraform template.
- Edit the Terraform template to allow the following IP addresses in your VPC network firewall rules:
- Navigate to the `<unzipped-folder>/architecture/security_project` directory.
- Edit the `terraform.tfvars` file to add the copied IP addresses list
to your `source_ranges`.firewall_rules = { allow-trust-ingress = { name = "allow-trust-vpc" source_ranges = ["", "", "", "", "10.xx.208.0/20"] # 1st 2 IPs are for health check packets. Add APP VPC/Pod/Service CIDRs priority = "1000" allowed_protocol = "all" allowed_ports = [] } }
- Apply the Terraform:terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
- Add Static Routes on the logical router for Kubernetes workloads:
- Pod Subnet:
- Edit the IPv4 Static Routes and add a route with the Pod IPv4 range CIDR.
- Set the Next Hop as eth1/2 (trust interface).
- Set the Destination as the trust subnet gateway IP from Panorama.
- Service Subnet
- Edit the IPv4 Static Routes add a route with the IPv4 Service range CIDR.
- Set the Next Hop as eth1/2 (trust interface).
- Set the Destination as the trust subnet gateway IP from Panorama.
- Add source NAT policy outbound traffic:
- Source Zone: Trust
- Destination Zone: Untrust (eth1/1)
- Policy Name: trust2untrust or similar.
- Set the Interface to eth1/1. (The translation happens at
eth1/1).If needed, create a complementary rule for the reverse direction (for example, untrust2trust).
- Push the policy configurations to the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept managed by Panorama (Panorama > Scheduled Config Push).If you have a Kubernetes cluster running, follow the section to install a Kubernetes application with Helm.
Install a Kubernetes Application with Helm
- Change the directory to the Helm folder:cd <unzipped-folder>/architecture/helmGKE Autopilot clusters don’t support Helm deployments due to restrictions on modifying the kube-system namespace.
- Install the Helm chart:helm install ai-runtime-security helm --namespace kube-system --values helm/values.yaml
- Verify the Helm installation:#List all Helm releases helm list -A #Ensure the output shows your installation with details such as: NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION ai-runtime-security kube-system 1 2024-08-13 07:00 PDT deployed ai-runtime-security-0.1.0 11.2.2
- Check the pod status:kubectl get pods -A #Verify that the pods with names similar to `pan-cni-*****` are present.
- Check the endpoint slices:kubectl get endpointslice -n kube-system #Confirm that the output shows an ILB IP address: NAME ADDRESSTYPE PORTS ENDPOINTS AGE my-endpointslice IPv4 80/TCP 10.2xx.0.1,10.2xx.0.2 12h
- Check the services running in the `kube-system` namespace:kubectl get svc -n kube-system #Ensure that services `pan-cni-sa` and `pan-plugin-user-secret` are listed: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE pan-cni-sa ClusterIP 10.xx.0.1 <none> 443/TCP 24h pan-plugin-user-secret ClusterIP 10.xx.0.2 <none> 443/TCP 24h
- Annotate the application `yaml` or `namespace` so that the traffic from the new pods is redirected to AI Runtime Security: Network intercept for inspection.
For example, for all new pods in the “default” namespace:annotations: pan-fwkubectl annotate namespace default
AI Runtime Security post deployment configurations in Panorama and
Azure to protect VM workloads and Kubernetes clusters.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
Configure Panorama
- Navigate to Network > Interfaces.
- Set the Configuration Scope to your AI Runtime Security folder.
- Select Add Interface.
- In the Ethernet tab, Configure a Layer 3 Interface for eth1/1(trust) and eth1/2(untrust):
- Enter Interface Name (Create interfaces for both eth1/1(trust) and eth1/2(untrust) interfaces).
- Select Layer3Interface type.
- In Logical Routers, select `vr-private` for eth1/1 and `vr-public` for eth1/2.
- In Zone, select trust for eth1/1 and untrust for eth1/2.
- Select DHCP Client type under IPV4 address.
- Enable IPV4 for both eth1/1 and eth1/2 interfaces.
- For eth1/2 (untrust) only, enable Automatically create default route pointing to default gateway provided by server.
- Select Advanced Settings > Other Info.
- Select a Management Profile switch HTTPS enabled under Administrative Management Services or create a new one:
- Add.
- Configure Network > Interfaces > Loopback to receive health checks from each load balancer:
- Select the Logical Routers.
- Set the trust Zone for private Logical Router and untrust Zone for the public Logical Router.
- In the IPv4s section, enter the private IP address of the Internal Load Balancer (ILB).This IP address is in the output displayed after successfully deploying the `security_project` Terraform, as described in the Deploy AI Runtime Security: Network Intercept in Azure page.
- Expand Advanced Settings → Management Profile and add your allow-health-checks profile.
- Add or Save.
Expand allCollapse all
- Select Add Zone.
- Enter a Name.
- Select Layer3 Interface type.
- In Interfaces, add $eth1 interface for trust zone and $eth2 interface for untrust zone.
- Save.
- Configure NAT policy for inbound traffic:
- Enter a Name indicating inbound traffic (for example, inbound-web).
- Original Packet:
- In Source zones, click add and select untrust zone.
- Destination:
- select untrust Zone.
- Select any Interface.
- In Addresses, click the add (+) icon and select the public Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) address.
- Choose any Service.
- Translated Packet:
- In Translation, select Both.
- In Source Address Translation, select the Dynamic IP and Port translation type.
- In choice, select Interface Address.
- In Interface, select eth1(ethernet1/1).
- In Choice, select IP address.
- Set the Static IP address as the Translation Type.
- Select the destination Translated Address.
- Save.
- Configure NAT Policy for Outbound traffic:
- Enter a Name indicating inbound traffic (for example, outbound-internet).
- Original Packet:
- In Source zones, click add and select trust zone.
- In Addresses, click the add (+) icon and select the app-vnet and the Kubernetes pods CIDR you want to secure.
- Destination:
- Select untrust destination zone.
- Select any interface.
- Choose any Service.
- Translated Packet:
- In Translation, select Source Address Only.
- In Source Address Translation, select the Dynamic IP and Port translation type.
- In choice, select Interface Address.
- In Interface, select eth2(ethernet1/2).
- In Choice, select IP address.
- Save.
Azure health probe fails with a single virtual router
(VR). Create multiple VRs to ensure probe success.
- Configure routing in Panorama (Network → Routing:
- Enter a Name indicating private and public routers (for example, vr-private and vr-public).
- In Interfaces, select eth1(ethernet1/1) for vr-private route and eth2(ethernet1/2) for vr-public route.Refer the section on Interfaces to see how to configure the $eth1 and $eth2 interfaces.
- In Advanced Settings, select Edit to configure the IPV4 Static Routes for vr-private and vr-public.
- Select Add Static Route and add the following routes:
- Application routing:
- Enter a Name (for example, app-vnet).
- In Destination, enter the CIDR address of your application.
- In Next Hop:
- For vr-private, select IP Address
and enter the gateway IP address of the private
interface (eth1/1) in the IP Address.The gateway IP address is the first usable IP in the subnet's range (example, for a /24 subnet). To find it, go to Azure Portal > Virtual Networks > [Your Virtual Network] > Subnets > [Private Subnet].
- For vr-public, select Next Router and select the `vr-private` in the Next Router.
- For vr-private, select IP Address
and enter the gateway IP address of the private
interface (eth1/1) in the IP Address.
- In Interface, select eth1(ethernet1/1) subnet for `vr-private` and None for `vr-public`.
- Default routing:
- Enter a Name.
- In Destination, enter
- In Next Hop:
- For vr-private, select Next Router and enter the `vr-public` in the Next Router.
- For vr-public, select IP Address and enter the gateway IP address of the vr-public interface (eth1/2) in the IP Address.
- In Interface, choose None for `vr-private` and eth2(ethernet1/2) for `vr-public`.
- Add or Update.
- Azure Load Balancer’s health probe:
- Enter a Name.
- In Destination, enter the IP address of the Azure Load Balancer’s health probe (
- In Next Hop, select IP Address for
vr-private and vr-public.
- In IP Address, enter the gateway IP address of the corresponding interfaces.
- In Interface, select eth1(ethernet1/1) for vr-private and eth2(ethernet1/2) for vr-public.
- Add.
- Save.
- Static routes summary for `vr-private`:
Route Type Name Destination Next Hop Next Hop Value Interface Application routing app-vnet Application CIDR IP Adderss Gateway IP address of vr-private Gateway IP address of vr-private Default Routing default Next Router vr-public None Azure LB Health Probe azure-probe IP Address Subnet Gateway IP address eth1(ethernet1/1) - Static route summary for `vr-public`:
Route Type Name Destination Next Hop Next Hop Value Interface Application routing app-vnet Application CIDR Next Router vr-private eth1(ethernet1/1) Default Routing default IP Address Gateway IP address of vr-public eth2(ethernet1/2) Azure LB Health Probe azure-probe IP Address Subnet Gateway IP address eth2(ethernet1/2)
Security Policy
- Add a security policy.Ensure the policy allows health checks from the Azure Load Balancer (LB) pool to the internal LB IP from Panorama. Check session IDs to ensure the firewall responds correctly on the designated interfaces.
- Select Commit → Commit and Push, to push the policy configurations to the AI network intercept (AI firewall).
Configurations to Secure VM Workloads
- Log in to the Panorama Web InterfaceConfigure routes for vNet endpoints as explained in the Routers section above to ensure there is a route to your application.
- Select Commit and Push to Devices to push the policy configurations to your AI network intercept managed by Panorama (AI firewall).
- Create or update the NAT policy (refer to the NAT section above) to secure the VM workloads. Set the source address of the application you want to secure.
Configurations to Secure the Kubernetes Clusters
- Configure static routes (refer to the routes section above) on the Logical Router for Kubernetes workloads.
- Follow the below configurations for pod and service subnets static routes for pod for the Kubernetes workloads:
- Pod Subnet and Service subnet for vr-private:
Route Type Name Destination Next Hop Next Hop Value Interface Pod subnet pod_route Pod IPV4 range CIDR IP Address Subnet Gateway IP address eth1(ethernet1/1) Service subnet service_route IP Address Subnet Gateway IP address eth1(ethernet1/1) - Pod Subnet and Service subnet for vr-public:
Route Type Name Destination Next Hop Next Hop Value Interface Pod subnet pod_route Pod IPV4 range CIDR Next Router vr-private None Service subnet service_route Next Router vr-private None
- Pod Subnet and Service subnet for vr-private:
- Refer to the NAT policy in the above section to secure the Kubernetes clusters and set the source address of the Kubernetes pods CIDR you want to secure.
- Select Commit and Push to Devices to push the policy configurations to your AI network intercept managed by Panorama (AI firewall).
Install a Kubernetes Application with Helm
- Change the directory to the Helm folder:cd <unzipped-folder>/architecture/helm
- Install the Helm chart:helm install ai-runtime-security helm --namespace kube-system --values helm/values.yamlEnable "Bring your own Azure virtual network" to discover Kubernetes-related vnets:
- In Azure Portal, navigate to Kubernetes services → [Your Cluster]→ Settings→ Networking.
- Under Network configuration, select Azure CNI as the Network plugin, then enable Bring your own Azure virtual network.
- Verify the Helm installation:#List all Helm releases helm list -A #Ensure the output shows your installation with details such as: NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION ai-runtime-security kube-system 1 2024-08-13 07:00 PDT deployed ai-runtime-security-0.1.0 11.2.2
- Check the pod status:kubectl get pods -A #Verify that the pods with names similar to `pan-cni-*****` are present.
- Check the endpoint slices:kubectl get endpointslice -n kube-system #Confirm that the output shows an ILB IP address: NAME ADDRESSTYPE PORTS ENDPOINTS AGE my-endpointslice IPv4 80/TCP 10.2xx.0.1,10.2xx.0.2 12h
- Check the services running in the `kube-system` namespace:kubectl get svc -n kube-system #Ensure that services `pan-cni-sa` and `pan-plugin-user-secret` are listed: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE pan-cni-sa ClusterIP 10.xx.0.1 <none> 443/TCP 24h pan-plugin-user-secret ClusterIP 10.xx.0.2 <none> 443/TCP 24h
- Annotate the application `yaml` or `namespace` so that the traffic from the new pods is redirected to the AI network intercept (AI firewall) for inspection.
For example, for all new pods in the "default" namespace:annotations: pan-fwkubectl annotate namespace default
AI Runtime Security post deployment configurations in Panorama and AWS
to protect VM workloads and Kubernetes clusters.
Where Can I Use This? | What Do I Need? |
Configure Panorama
- Navigate to Network > Interfaces.
- Set the Configuration Scope to your AI Runtime Security folder.
- Select Add Interface.
- In the Ethernet tab, Configure a Layer 3 Interface for eth1/1(trust):
- Enter Interface Name enter eth1/1.
- Select Layer3Interface type.
- In Logical Routers, select `vr-private` for eth1/1.
- In Zone, select trust for eth1/1.
- Select DHCP Client type under IPV4 address.
- Enable IPV4 for both eth1/1.
- Select Advanced Settings > Other Info.
- Select a Management Profile switch HTTPS enabled under Administrative Management Services or create a new one:
- Add.
Expand allCollapse all
- Select Add Zone.
- Enter a Name.
- Select Layer3 Interface type.
- In Interfaces, add $eth1 interface for trust zone.
- Save.
Security Policy
- Add a security policy and set the action to Allow.
- Select Commit → Commit and Push, to push the policy configurations to the AI network intercept (AI firewall).
Install a Kubernetes Application with Helm
- Go to your downloaded Terraform template and navigate to `<unzipped-folder>/architecture/helm`.
- Apply the Terraform for the `security_project` as shown in the AWS deployment
workflow. Deploying the Terraform for the security project creates the GWLB endpoints in your AWS account.
- Open the `values.yaml` file found in the path: `<unzipped-folder>/architecture/helm`.
- Update the `endpoints1` and `endpoints2` values with your GWLB endpoints
IP addresses. Below is a sample `values.yaml`
file:# Default values for ai-runtime-security. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # Configure vpc endpoint per zone. This makes sure kubernetes # traffic is not sent across zone. Endpoints can be added or # removed based on requirements and zone availability. # GWLB VPC endpoint zone1 IP address. endpoints1: "" endpoints1zone: us-east-1a # GWLB VPC endpoint zone2 IP address. endpoints2: "" endpoints2zone: us-east-1b # PAN CNI image. cniimage: # Resource namespace name. namespace: kube-system # Kubernetes ClusterID value range 1-2048. clusterid: 1
- Apply the helm chart by following the below steps.
- Change the directory to the Helm folder:cd <unzipped-folder>/architecture/helm
- Install the Helm chart:helm install ai-runtime-security helm --namespace kube-system --values helm/values.yaml
- Verify the Helm installation:#List all Helm releases helm list -A #Ensure the output shows your installation with details such as: NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION ai-runtime-security kube-system 1 2024-08-13 07:00 PDT deployed ai-runtime-security-0.1.0 11.2.2
- Check the pod status:kubectl get pods -A #Verify that the pods with names similar to `pan-cni-*****` are present.
- Check the endpoint slices:kubectl get endpointslice -n kube-system #Confirm that the output shows an ILB IP address: NAME ADDRESSTYPE PORTS ENDPOINTS AGE my-endpointslice IPv4 80/TCP 10.2xx.0.1,10.2xx.0.2 12h
- Check the services running in the `kube-system` namespace:kubectl get svc -n kube-system #Ensure that services `pan-cni-sa` and `pan-plugin-user-secret` are listed: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE pan-cni-sa ClusterIP 10.xx.0.1 <none> 443/TCP 24h pan-plugin-user-secret ClusterIP 10.xx.0.2 <none> 443/TCP 24h
- Annotate the application `yaml` or `namespace` so that the traffic from the new pods is redirected to the AI network intercept (AI firewall) for inspection.
For example, for all new pods in the "default" namespace:annotations: pan-fwkubectl annotate namespace default