Deploy AI Runtime Security Instance in GCP
AI Runtime Security

Deploy AI Runtime Security Instance in GCP

Table of Contents

Deploy AI Runtime Security Instance in GCP

Add an
AI Runtime Security
instance in Strata Cloud Manager (SCM) to generate the Terraform template.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • AI Runtime Security
    instance deployment in GCP
This page guides you through deploying a customizable Terraform to add
AI Runtime Security
instance protection for GCP cloud resources.
On this page, you'll configure an AI Runtime Security instance in SCM, download the corresponding Terraform configuration, and deploy it in your cloud environment. This setup will integrate the AI Runtime Security instance into your cloud network architecture, enabling comprehensive monitoring and protection of your assets.
After onboarding, the SCM Command Center dashboard will show asset discovery with no
AI Runtime Security
instance protection deployed. Unprotected traffic paths to and from apps, models, and the internet are marked in red until you add firewall protection. For more details see Discover Your Cloud Resources.
  1. Log in to SCM.
  2. Select
    → AI Runtime Security
  3. Select
    Add Protections
    ("+" icon).
  4. Select Cloud Service Provider
    as Google Cloud and select
  5. In
    Firewall Placement
    , select one or more traffic flows to inspect.
    The following table shows the network traffic type the AI Runtime Security instance or the VM-Series firewall can support:
    Traffic Type
    AI Runtime Security instance
    AI Traffic - Traffic between your applications and AI Models
    Non-AI Traffic and namespaces (example, kube-system)
    Cluster Traffic
    Non-AI and non-cluster traffic
    If you select the `kube-system` namespace, the VM-Series firewall option will be grayed out, as only AI Runtime Security instance can protect these namespaces.
  6. Select
  7. In
    Region & Applications
    • Select your cloud account to secure
      from the onboarded cloud accounts list.
    • Select a region
      from the available options.
    • In
      Selected applications
      • Select the applications to secure from the drop-down list. This list includes application workloads such as namespaces, or VPCs.
      • Set the
        Public IP address
        of each application by selecting
        Auto generate
        Input manually
      • Protect the
        Undiscovered VPC(s)
        or add a new VPC by selecting
        Add VPC
        and enter the
        VPC Name
        VPC CIDRs
        IP address ranges,
        K8s pod CIDRs
        (Optional) IP address ranges, and
        K8s service CIDRs
      • Select
    • Select
  8. In
    Protection Settings
    1. Select
      AI Runtime Security
      instance or
      firewall type based on the type of traffic you decided to protect under
      Firewall Placement
      in step 5.
    2. Enter the
      Service account attached to security VM
    3. Number of firewalls to deploy
    4. Select zones to deploy firewalls
    5. Choose the instance type for the security VM
      . (see Machine families resource and comparison guide for details).
    6. In
      IP addressing scheme
      , enter the following:
      • CIDR value for untrust VPC
      • CIDR value for trust VPC
      • CIDR value for management VPC
    7. In
      , enter the following:
    8. In
      SCM management parameters
    9. Select
  9. In
    Review Architecture
    • Enter the
      Terraform template name
    • Create terraform template
    • Save and Download Terraform Template
    • Before you deploy the Terraform template, create a GCP service identity. Execute the following command in the gcloud CLI to create the necessary service identity for your project. This step is required to successfully launch the AI Runtime Security Terraform template.
      gcloud beta services identity create --project=<your_gcp_prj_id>
    • Unzip the downloaded file, navigate to
      that has 2 directories: `architecture` and `modules`. Deploy the Terraform templates in your cloud environment:
      cd architecture cd security_project terraform init terraform plan terraform apply cd ../application_project terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
      For additional security measures to protect your Kubernetes clusters, follow the steps outlined in the Configure SCM to Protect VM Workloads and Kubernetes Clusters page.
      • Terraform version required: > 1.3 and < 2.
      • Provide the required IAM Permissions to the user executing the Terraform template.
    • After the Terraform is deployed, the SCM Command Center dashboard starts discovering the cloud assets and it takes some time to populate the asset data.
  10. Select
    → NGFW Setup
    → Device Management
    1. In
      Available Devices
      , select the AI Runtime Security instance and move it to
      Cloud Managed Devices
      to be managed by SCM.
  11. Switch to the
    Cloud Managed Devices
    tab to view and manage the connected state, the configuration sync state, and licenses of the deployed
    AI Runtime Security
    It takes a while before the
    Device Status
    shows as connected.

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