This page guides you through deploying a Terraform to add AI Runtime Security: Network intercept protection for AWS cloud
On this page, you will configure an AI Runtime Security: Network intercept in Strata Cloud Manager,
download the corresponding Terraform template, and deploy it in your cloud
environment. This setup will integrate the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept in your cloud
network architecture, enabling comprehensive monitoring and protection of your
After onboarding the cloud account, the Strata Cloud Manager command
center dashboard will show asset discovery with no AI Runtime Security: Network intercept protection
deployed. Unprotected traffic paths to and from apps, models, and the internet are
marked in red until you add firewall protection. For more details, see Discover Your Cloud Resources.
Select Network from the AI Runtime Security drop-down
list at the top.
Select Add Protections ("+" icon).
Select Cloud Service Provider as AWS and choose Next.
In Firewall Placement, select:
All traffic to protect AI and non-AI applications.
Non AI traffic only to protect all traffic except the traffic
between your applications and the AI models.
Select Next.
In Regions & Application(s):
Select your cloud account to secure.
Select a region in which you want to protect the
In Selected applications,
Select the applications to secure from the drop-down list.
Select all applicable zones from the dropdown menu to secure
traffic for each application.
Provide unused CIDR for each zone.
Enable protection for Undiscovered VPC(s).
Click Add VPC.
Enter the VPC ID.
Select a zone:
Enter the GWLB endpoint CIDR (In the AWS console, go to
VPC > Endpoints. Select your GWLB endpoint >
Details tab > Subnet field and copy the CIDR).
Enter VPC VM subnet IDs (Navigate to VPC >
Subnets in the AWS console. Select your subnet and
copy the subnet ID from the details panel).
Select Next.
In Protection Settings:
Select AI Runtime Security based on the type of traffic you
decided to protect under Firewall Placement in step 5.
Enter the number of firewalls to deploy.
Select zones to deploy firewalls.
Ensure the firewall zones cover all selected application zones you
selected for each application under Selected applications.
For example, in AWS region us-west-1, if App1 uses ZoneA and ZoneE,
and App2 uses ZoneB and ZoneD, the firewall must include ZoneA,
ZoneB, ZoneD, and ZoneE. This ensures that when Terraform creates
the GWLB service, all corresponding zones are covered.
Choose the instance type for the security VM (See Amazon EC2 instance types for
details). Following are the supported instance types:
c6in.8xlarge, and c6in.16xlarge.
The minimum vCPUs required is 4.
In IP addressing scheme:
Enter the unused CIDR for security VPC. (Go to AWS Management Console > VPC,
select your VPC, and get the CIDR for your VPC).
Choose Yes or No to Create transit gateway
or not:
If you choose No, select the existing TGW
ID from the drop-down list under Select
transit gateway (Go to AWS Management Console > VPC
dashboard > Transit Gateways to get the TGW ID).
If you choose Yes, you can optionally enter the
Autonomous system number (ASN) for the new Transit
Gateway. (Refer to create a transit
gateway for more information).
Update the VPC route table by mapping the TGW
attachment. This directs network traffic through the
Transit Gateway, facilitating connectivity between
the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept and other
Enable the Cross-Zone load balancing check box to
distribute incoming traffic evenly across targets in multiple
availability zones. (This will create the NAT gateway and the
egress traffic will route from the security VPC IGW via the NAT
In Licensing:
Select the Software version for your image.
Enter the Flex authentication code (Copy AUTH CODE for
the deployment
profile you created for AI Runtime Security:
Network intercept in Customer Support Portal).
Enter a unique Terraform template name. (Use
only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Don't use a hyphen
at the beginning or end, and limit the name under 19
Review the topology for your AI network architecture.
Click Create terraform template.
Click Download terraform template.
Close the deployment workflow to exit.
Before you deploy the Terraform template,
authenticate with the AWS Console. Go to the AWS Marketplace and
subscribe. Subscribe for the same image that you will use for the AI network
intercept and the tag collector.
Unzip the downloaded file. Navigate to <unzipped-folder>
with 2 directories: `architecture` and `modules`. Deploy the Terraform templates
in your cloud environment following the `` file in the `architecture`
Initialize and apply the Terraform for the security_project.
Deploying the Terraform for the security project
creates the GWLB endpoints in your AWS account.
The security_project
contains the Terraform plan to create the AI Runtime Security: Network intercept
cd architecture
cd security_project
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Select Workflows → NGFW Setup → Device Management. The AI Runtime Security: Network intercept appears under Cloud
Managed Devices.
Switch to the Cloud Managed Devices tab to view and
manage the connected state, the configuration sync state, and the licenses of
the deployed AI Runtime Security: Network intercept.
It takes a while before the Device Status shows as
The AI Runtime Security: Network intercept deployment Terraform also creates an IP-tag collector
service, enabling you to retrieve IP-tag information from clusters. These tags
are used to populate dynamic address groups (DAGs) for automated security
enforcement. Refer harvesting IP-tags for