: Known Issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 4.0.0

Known Issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 4.0.0

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Known Issues in Panorama Plugin for AWS 4.0.0

The following list describes known issues in the Panorama Plugin for AWS 4.0.0.


Templates appear out-of-sync on Panorama after successfully deploying the CFT stack using the Panorama plugins for AWS 3.0.2. and Azure 4.0.0.
This issue is addressed in VM-Series plugin version 2.1.3.
Workaround: Use Commit > Push to Devices to synchronize the templates.


Static IPs are not recognized when "and" operators are used with IP CiDr range.


Panorama AWS orchestration deployments show errors with request bootstrap vm-auth-key.
Workaround: When you see these errors in the logs, run the following CLI command:
request bootstrap vm-auth-key generate lifetime 8760


Fixed in Panorama plugin for AWS 5.1.1.
When using Panorama Plugin for AWS, the CloudFormation template stack deployment fails when creating AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions. To resolve this issue, include the parameter AllowedPrinciples in AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions. For example, the template should resemble:
"VPCEndpointServicePermissions": {
      "Type" : "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions",
      "Properties" : {
          "AllowedPrincipals" : ["*"],
          "ServiceId" : {"Ref": "VPCEndpointService"}
      "DependsOn": ["VPCEndpointService"]