: Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 1.0.12

Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 1.0.12

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Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 1.0.12

The following list describes issues addressed in the VM-Series plugin 1.0.12.


On AWS, Active/Passive HA configurations that use a floating IP address sometimes experience loss of traffic after failover.
Upon failover, AWS starts moving the floating IP address from the primary to the secondary. If the HA pair is restored and control returns to the primary before the IP address moves to the secondary, traffic is lost.
To restore traffic, you must temporarily suspend the primary so that the secondary (which has the floating IP address) is active.
This issue is fixed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.12.


In some cases, a VM-Series firewall configuration with SRIOV on KVM might not boot in DPDK mode.
To ensure that firewall boots in DPDK mode, edit the Guest VM XML configuration on the KVM hypervisor as follows:
<cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'/>
This ensures that the CPU flags are exposed. To verify that the CPU flags are exposed on the VM:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
In the flags output, look for the following flags:
  • For PAN-OS 9.1 with DPDK 1.11, you need AVX, or AES and SSE.
  • For PAN-OS 9.1 or later with DPDK version 18.11, you need AVX or SSE.
This behavior is documented in the VM-Series Deployment Guide, version 9.1.


On Azure, Active/Passive HA configurations that use a floating IP address sometimes experience loss of traffic after failover.
Upon failover, Azure starts moving the floating IP address from the primary to the secondary. If the HA pair is restored and control returns to the primary before the IP address moves to the secondary, traffic is lost.
To restore traffic, you must temporarily suspend the primary so that the secondary (which has the floating IP address) is active.
This issue is fixed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.12.


On Azure, Active/Passive HA configurations that use a floating IP address sometimes experience loss of traffic after failover.
Upon failover, Azure starts moving the floating IP address from the primary to the secondary. If the HA pair is restored and control returns to the primary before the IP address moves to the secondary, traffic is lost.
To restore traffic, you must temporarily suspend the primary so that the secondary (which has the floating IP address) is active.
This issue is fixed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.12.


HA behavior is inconsistent for VM-Series firewalls deployed on Azure.
This issue is fixed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.12.


HA behavior is inconsistent for VM-Series firewalls deployed on Azure.
This issue is fixed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.12.