: Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 2.0.2

Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 2.0.2

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Addressed Issues in VM-Series Plugin 2.0.2

The following list describes addressed issues in VM-Series plugin 2.0.2.


Monitoring VM-Series firewalls using AWS CloudWatch fails if you are using a VPC endpoint to communicate with the VM-Series firewall management port.
This issue is addressed in VM-Series plugin version 2.0.2, and it introduces a change in default behavior. Prior versions used HTTP for communication to the Cloudwatch endpoint. In version 2.0.2 and later VM-Series plugin uses HTTPS to communicate with the Cloudwatch endpoint.


Upgrading PanOS to 10.0.1 with VM-Series plugin 2.0.1, VM-Series plugin fails to boot the system in AWS MP BYOL images.
This issue is addressed in VM-Series plugin version 2.0.2
Upgrade the VM-Series plugin to version 2.0.2 before upgrading PAN-OS to 10.0.1.


In some VM-Series firewall HA deployments on Azure, if the active management server makes a connection request to Azure that does not resolve, you might see the UI freeze, delayed commits, or synchronization loss in an HA pair.
This issue is addressed in VM-Series plugin version 1.0.13 and later, and version 2.0.2 and later.

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