: Known Issues in Kubernetes Plugin 3.0.1

Known Issues in Kubernetes Plugin 3.0.1

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Known Issues in Kubernetes Plugin 3.0.1

The following list describes known issues in the Panorama plugin for Kubernetes version 3.0.1.


Upgrade or downgrade of the Panorama plugin for Kubernetes 3.0.1 causes the plugin Monitoring Definition to move into the Disconnected state.
Workaround: Triggering a commit on the plugin corrects this issue.


The Kubernetes plugin License information is not synced between the HA paired Panaromas.


If the monitoring-definition goes into failure state in cases where a proxy is used for the Kubernetes plugin, the cluster validation status is not updated based on failed proxy connectivity.
Workaround: Check the plugin logs for the updated service credentials validation status from Panorama CLI using the command:
tail follow yes plugins-log plugin_kubernetes_tag_ret.log