: Known Issues in the IPS Signature Converter Plugin 2.0.1

Known Issues in the IPS Signature Converter Plugin 2.0.1

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Known Issues in the IPS Signature Converter Plugin 2.0.1

Known issues in the Panorama intrusion prevention system (IPS) Signature Converter plugin 2.0.1.
The following list describes known issues in the Panorama intrusion prevention system (IPS) Signature Converter plugin 2.0.1.


You can only upload entire rule files for conversion through the Panorama web interface.


Some Snort rule options are not supported. Valid rule options are either supported and convert into custom PAN-OS threat signatures or they are ignored because they do not have an equivalent in the PAN-OS signature format. Rule options that are neither supported nor ignored will cause conversion to fail and display a warning message. See below for all valid rule options:
  • msg
  • flow
  • reference
  • pcre
  • content
  • threshold
  • detection_filter
  • service
  • modifier
  • metadata
  • sid
  • distance
  • within
distance and within are only supported with unnegated content patterns. With pcre or negated content patterns, they are ignored.
  • flowbits
  • classtype
  • rev
  • dsize
  • gid
  • flags
  • isdataat
  • urilen
  • bufferlen
  • priority
  • offset
  • depth


Rules will not convert if they contain the following regex constructs:


Rules will not convert if they contain the following modifiers:
  • rawbytes
  • http_raw_cookie
  • http_raw_header
  • http_raw_host
  • http_raw_uri


A rule will not convert if the only condition in it is negated with the ! operator.
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS ( msg:"MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.RisingSun variant outbound connection"; flow:to_server,established; http_uri; content:"/ProductImage/index.asp",fast_pattern,nocase; http_header; content:!"Referer:"; metadata:impact_flag red,policy balanced-ips drop,policy max-detect-ips drop,policy security-ips drop; service:http; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:49467; rev:1; )
Also, if the final condition of a rule is negated, it will convert with the following warning: [FP risk] The order of the conditions are swapped since the last condition is negate
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"ET TROJAN Sakula/Mivast RAT CnC Beacon 2"; flow:to_server,established; content:"GET"; http_method; content:".jpg?resid="; http_uri; fast_pattern:only; content:!"Accept-"; http_header; content:!"Referer|3a|"; http_header; reference:md5,3cd598e8e2fd033134d8784251eff59e; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2021200; rev:1; metadata:created_at 2015_06_08, updated_at 2015_06_08;)


A rule that contains more than 16 conditions strung together using semicolons (;) will not convert.
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $SMTP_SERVERS 25 (msg:"BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer CStr internal string use-after-free attempt"; flow:to_server,established; file_data; content:"window.location.href"; nocase; content:"="; within:10; content:"window.location.href"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; distance:0; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; content:"<script"; within:100; nocase; content:"src"; within:40; nocase; metadata:policy balanced-ips drop, policy max-detect-ips drop, policy security-ips drop, service smtp; reference:cve,2016-3326; reference:url,technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms16-095; classtype:attempted-user; sid:39827; rev:4;)


If a rule uses any of these content modifiers—depth, within, offset, or distance—they must use integer values or the rule will not convert.


A rule that contains a regular expression longer than 127 characters will not convert.


The converter accepts only Snort rules with headers that contain one of the following actions:
  • alert
  • drop
  • log
  • pass
  • reject
  • sdrop


When you Upload Signatures, the size of your submission can’t exceed 8MB.


Patterns using unsupported regex constructs might convert and import successfully but will cause a commit failure when you try to Commit and Push these patterns to your firewalls.
A rule that uses atomic grouping, an unsupported construct, will convert but will cause a commit failure:
alert tcp any any -> any any (msg:"Atomic Grouping test rule"; flow:to_server;  pcre:"/a(?>bc|b)c/iU";)


Rules with the threshold keyword set to type threshold or type both will convert as brute force signatures. However, if you convert a rule with the threshold keyword set to type limit, the rule will convert into a regular custom signature that will match when the conditions in the signature are true. For details about these keywords, see the Suricata documentation.


A brute force rule using the threshold keyword with seconds greater than 3600 will not convert.
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"ET WEB_SERVER Jorgee Scan"; flow:established,to_server; content:"HEAD"; http_method; content:"User-Agent|3a 20|Mozilla/5.0 Jorgee|0d 0a|"; http_header; fast_pattern:12,20; threshold: type limit, track by_dst, count 3, seconds 3601; metadata: former_category WEB_SERVER; reference:url,www.skepticism.us/2015/05/new-malware-user-agent-value-jorgee/; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2024265; rev:2; metadata:created_at 2015_06_26, updated_at 2017_05_01


Two signatures that contain similar patterns for the same context may cause a commit failure when you push them to firewalls.
Example: Two signatures contain the following patterns, both written for the file-data context:


There is a maximum of 63 characters allowed for a URL in the reference option of a rule. The converter ignores URLs that exceed the 63-character limit.
Example: This URL is ignored
when you convert the following rule:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"ET WEB_CLIENT Firefox Plugin Parameter EnsureCachedAttrParamArrays Remote Code Execution Attempt"; flow:established,to_client; content:"appletComponentArch.DynamicTreeApplet"; nocase; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; content:"PARAM"; nocase; distance:0; reference:url,www.exploit-db.com/moaub-17-firefox-plugin-parameter-ensurecachedattrparamarrays-remote-code-execution/; reference:url,www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-37.html; reference:bugtraq,41842; reference:cve,2010-1214; classtype:attempted-user; sid:2011538; rev:2; metadata:affected_product Web_Browsers, affected_product Web_Browser_Plugins, attack_target Client_Endpoint, deployment Perimeter, tag Web_Client_Attacks, signature_severity Major, created_at 2010_09_27, updated_at 2016_07_01


A rule to prevent brute force attacks by using the threshold element must have a count between 1 and 255 to convert successfully.


The depth and offset rule modifiers are ignored.


A rule fails conversion when it includes a pcre pattern that would convert to use the tcp-context-free, udp-context-free, or file-data custom signature context.


A rule with multiple content patterns that use the distance or within modifiers converts differently depending on whether any of the patterns are negated.
If none, the converter concatenates the patterns. If one or more are negated with !, then the converter does not concatenate them.
A rule that contains distance and within but no negated patterns:
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"MALWARE-CNC Ios.Backdoor.SYNful inbound connection"; flow:to_server,established; content:"text"; depth:4; offset:78; content:"|00 00 00|"; within:3; distance:1; content:"|45 25 6D|"; within:3; distance:1; fast_pattern; metadata:impact_flag red, policy balanced-ips drop, policy security-ips drop, service http; reference:url,attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1205; reference:url,blogs.cisco.com/security/synful-knock; reference:url,tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=40411; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:36054; rev:5;)
converts into:
<vulnerability-threat version="10.0.0">
	<entry name="6800001">
				<entry name="ips_converted_pattern">
						<entry name="And Condition 1">
								<entry name="Or Condition 1">
											<pattern>text.{1,1}\x00 00 00\x.{1,1}E%m</pattern>
		<threatname>Converted_MALWARE-CNC Ios.Backdoor.SYNful inbound connection_36054</threatname>
However, a rule with negated patterns:
alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"ET TROJAN Win32/Kelihos.F Checkin"; flow:established,to_server; content:"GET"; http_method; urilen:<13; content:".htm" ; fast_pattern:only; http_uri; pcre:"/^\/[^\x2f]+?\.htm$/U" ; content:!"BridgitAgent" ; http_header; content:!"Accept" ; http_header; content:!"Referer" ; http_header; content:!"Content-Type" ; http_header; content:"Content-Length|3a 20|" ; content:!"0|0d 0a|" ; within:3; content:"|0d 0a|" ; distance:0; reference:md5,00db349caf2eefc3be5ee30b8b8947a2; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2017191; rev:2; metadata:created_at 2013_07_24, updated_at 2013_07_24;))
converts into:
<vulnerability-threat version="10.0.0">
  <entry name="6800001">
        <entry name="ips_converted_pattern">
            <entry name="And Condition 1">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 2">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 3">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 4">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 5">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 6">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                        <entry name="http-method">
            <entry name="And Condition 7">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                      <pattern>Content-Length: </pattern>
            <entry name="And Condition 8">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                      <pattern>0\x0d 0a\x</pattern>
            <entry name="And Condition 9">
                <entry name="Or Condition 1">
                      <pattern>\x0d 0a\x</pattern>
    <threatname>Converted_ET TROJAN Win32 Kelihos.F Checkin_2017191</threatname>