Prepare to
Deploy the VM-Series Firewall on Alibaba Cloud
Complete preliminary tasks before creating the VPC and
This task uses the Aliyun CLI to create a
VPC and VSwitches for the VM-Series firewall, however, you should
plan your network before you start. Evaluate the applications you
want to protect, and determine where you will deploy the VM-Series
firewall to secure north-south traffic. The firewall must be able
to inspect traffic to and from your applications.
Evaluate the applications you need to protect
and create networks that permit the VM-Series firewall to inspect
your inbound and outbound application traffic.
Evaluate your applications and network configurations
and calculate the firewall capacity you need to secure your applications
and networks.
Although you do not need a license to install the VM-Series
firewall (you can activate a license after the installation), you
must choose an appropriate VM-Series model and ECS instance type before
deploying the firewall.
Create a Custom
Image in the Alibaba Cloud Console
The VM-Series firewall runs on KVM. You must
use the VM-Series firewall qcow2 image file to create a custom image
for Alibaba Cloud. To do this, upload the VM-Series qcow2 image
file to an Object Storage Service bucket and create an Alibaba
Cloud custom image.
On the CSP, select UpdatesSoftware Updates and from the Filter
By drop-down menu, choose Pan OS for VM-Series
KVM Base Image and locate the qcow2 file for the current
Download the qcow2 file to your local drive. For example, PA-VM-KVM-9.1.0.qcow2.
Create a bucket for the VM-Series image.
On the Alibaba Cloud Console home page,
select Object Storage Service (OSS).
Click Create Bucket on the
right towards the upper right, or choose an existing bucket.
Specify name and region.
The bucket must be in the same region as the VPC in which
you plan to deploy the VM-Series firewall.
Click OK.
Upload the qcow2 image file to your bucket.
Select your bucket, choose FilesUpload,
and click here to upload.
Select the qcow2 image file on your local drive.
Copy the OSS
address object (the file URL).
In your bucket, select the row for the qcow2 image file,
and in the Action column select MoreCopy File URL,
and click Copy.
Import the VM-Series firewall image into ECS.
On the Alibaba Cloud console home page,
select Elastic Compute Service.
Select Images and click Import
Image on the upper right.
Paste in the OSS object address, fill out the form,
and click OK.
Your image
appears in Elastic Compute Services Images list.
Prepare to Use the Aliyun Command Line Interface
Everything you do in the ECS Console can be done
from the Aliyun command line interface. The CLI is required if you
want to use the VM-Series firewall to secure load balancing on Alibaba Cloud.
and configure a recent version of Aliyun, the Alibaba Cloud command
line interface.
Create an AccessKey and save the
Access Key ID and Secret in a secure place.
aliyun configure
Configuring profile '' in '' authenticate mode...
Access Key Id [*************8rq]: *************8rq
Access Key Secret [***************************tM2]:
Default Region Id [us-west-1]: us-west-1
Default Output Format [json]: json (Only support json))
Default Language [zh|en] en: en
Saving profile[] ...Done.
available regions: