: Configure Google as an IdP in the Cloud Identity Engine

Configure Google as an IdP in the Cloud Identity Engine

Table of Contents

Configure Google as an IdP in the Cloud Identity Engine

  1. Prepare to configure Google as an IdP in the Cloud Identity Engine.
    1. If you have not already done so, activate the Cloud Identity Engine app.
    2. In the Cloud Identity Engine app, select
      SP Metadata
      Download SP Metadata
      the metadata in a secure location.
    3. Log in to the Google Admin Console and select
      SAML Apps
    4. Select
      Add App
      Add custom SAML app
    5. Enter an
      App name
      to the next step.
    6. Click
      Download Metadata
      Download IdP metadata
      to the next step.
    7. Copy the metadata information from the Cloud Identity Engine and enter it in the Google Admin Console as described in the following table then
      to the next step:
      Copy from Cloud Identity Engine
      Enter in Google Admin Console
      Copy the
      Entity ID
      from the SP Metadata page.
      Enter it as the
      Entity ID
      Copy the
      Assertion Consumer Service URL
      Enter the URL as the
      ACS URL
    8. Add mapping
      to select the
      Google Directory attributes
      then specify the corresponding
      App attributes
      . Repeat for each attribute you want to use then click
      when the changes are complete.
    9. View details
      to specify the users and groups you want to authenticate with Google and enable the app to turn it
      ON for everyone
      your changes.
    10. Select
      to specify the users you want to authenticate using Google.
  2. Add Google as an authentication type in the Cloud Identity Engine app.
    1. Select
      Authentication Types
      and click
      Add New Authentication Type
    2. Set Up
      SAML 2.0
      authentication type.
    3. Enter a
      Profile Name
    4. Select
      as your
      Identity Provider Vendor
  3. Select the method you want to use to
    Add Metadata
    the profile.
    • If you want to enter the information manually, copy the identity provider ID and SSO URL, download the certificate, then enter the information in the Cloud Identity Engine.
      1. In the Google Admin Console, select the Cloud Identity Engine app and
        Download Metadata
      2. Click
        Download Metadata
        then copy the necessary information from Google and enter it in the Cloud Identity Engine app as indicated in the following table:
        Copy or Download from Google Admin Console
        Enter in Cloud Identity Engine IdP Profile
        Copy the
        Entity ID
        Enter it as the
        Identity Provider ID
        Click to Upload
        the certificate from Google.
        Copy the
        SSO URL
        Enter the URL as the
        Identity Provider SSO URL
    • If you want to upload a metadata file, download the metadata file from your IdP management system.
      1. In the Google Admin Console, select the Cloud Identity Engine app and
        Download Metadata
      2. Click
        Download Metadata
        the file to a secure location.
      3. In the Cloud Identity Engine app, select
        Upload Metadata
        then click
        Browse files
        to select the metadata file then
        the metadata file.
    • To use the
      Get URL
      method, copy the URL from your IdP and enter it in Cloud Identity Engine.
      1. Log in to the Google portal using your administrator credentials.
      2. Select
        Web and mobile apps
      3. Select the Google app you created in step 1.d.
      4. Click
        Download Metadata
      5. Copy the
        SSO URL
        and store it in a secure location.
      6. In the Cloud Identity Engine, select
        Get URL
        and paste the URL as the
        Identity Provider Metadata URL
      7. Click
        Get URL
        to confirm the URL and populate the
        Identity Provider ID
        Identity Provider SSO URL
    • If you don't want to enter the configuration information now, you can
      Do it later
      . This option allows you to submit the profile without including configuration information. However, you must edit the profile to include the configuration information to use the authentication type in an authentication profile.
  4. Select the
    HTTP Binding for SSO Request to IdP
    method you want to use for the SAML binding that allows the firewall and IdP to exchange request and response messages:
    • HTTP Redirect
      —Transmit SAML messages through URL parameters.
    • HTTP Post
      —Transmit SAML messages using base64-encoded HTML.
  5. Specify the
    Maximum Clock Skew (seconds)
    , which is the allowed difference in seconds between the system times of the IdP and the firewall at the moment when the firewall validates IdP messages (default is 60; range is 1–900). If the difference exceeds this value, authentication fails.
  6. To require users to log in using their credentials to reconnect to GlobalProtect, enable
    Force Authentication
  7. Test SAML setup
    to verify the profile configuration.
    This step is necessary to confirm that your firewall and IdP can communicate.
  8. Select the SAML attributes you want the firewall to use for authentication and
    the IdP profile.
    Select the
    Username Attribute
    and optionally, the
    Usergroup Attribute
    Access Domain
    User Domain
    , and
    Admin Role

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