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View Directory Data

Learn how to view detailed information about your directory data in the Cloud Identity Engine.
In the Cloud Identity Engine app, you can use the Directory Data page to view data (depending on your directory type) about users, computers, groups, devices, containers, and organizational units that are collected from your directory. You can also use keywords to search the data for specific objects (such as users or groups) and view all the attributes of those objects to validate the data.
The Directories page provides a total count for the objects that the Cloud Identity Engine has collected from your directory. To review details for an object, click the total count in the column for the object to view the Directory Data page.
When you select an object, the number of results for that object displays below the domain name at the top of the page.
By default, up to 25 results display for the object. To view the rest of the data or a specific result, use the following methods.
  • Search for data in the search bar by entering a partial or complete keyword, then press Enter or click
    to see the results.
    Search terms are not case-sensitive.
  • To refine the search results, select a search type:
    Search results include delimiter characters for MongoDB and Unicode. For example, entering
    as a search term includes results for
    test user
    but not
    because the hyphen is a delimiter character.
    • Text search
      —Displays results that match the entire search term.
    • Substring match
      —Displays results that match the entire search term or that partially match the search term.
  • Browse the data using the page navigation buttons or use the drop-down list to select the number of rows to display.
  • To view selected details for an object, select
    ) in the first column.
    • When you select a group, the app displays the first 2000 flattened users in the group below the
      attribute. If the group doesn’t contain any members, this attribute does not display any information.
    • When you select a user, the app displays the first 2000 groups to which the user belongs below the
      attribute. If the user doesn’t belong to any groups, this attribute does not display any information.
    The Cloud Identity Engine currently supports retrieval of inventory information for enterprise applications, such as Name, Redirect URIs, and IDs. Viewing the membership assignment relationships between the retrieved apps and their corresponding users and groups is currently a beta feature.
    • To view the all data for this object, click
      View Raw Data
      in the upper right corner.
    • To copy the details for the data, click
      ) to copy the details to the clipboard.
    • To switch the view between
      Direct and Nested
      , select the toggle.
      If the directory contains nested groups, they display after you select the toggle. To restore the original
      view, select the toggle again.
      Nested group information is not available for attribute-based Cloud Dynamic User Groups.
    • To query the data, enter a search term and click
      Apply Search
      to display the results.
  • To return to the Directory page, select
    Go Back to Directory
    in the upper right.

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