: Network > GlobalProtect > Gateways

Network > GlobalProtect > Gateways

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Network > GlobalProtect > Gateways

Select NetworkGlobalProtectGateways to configure a GlobalProtect gateway. A gateway can provide VPN connections for GlobalProtect apps or for GlobalProtect satellites.
From the GlobalProtect Gateway dialog, Add a new gateway configuration or select an existing gateway configuration to modify it.
What are you looking for?
What general settings can I configure for the GlobalProtect gateway?
How do I configure the gateway client authentication?
How do I configure the tunnel and network settings that enable an app to establish a VPN tunnel with the gateway?
How do I configure the tunnel and network settings to enable the satellites to establish VPN connections with a gateway acting as a satellite?
Looking for more?
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on setting up the portal, refer toConfigure GlobalProtect Gateways in the GlobalProtect Administrator’s Guide.
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