: Manage Panorama Software Updates

Manage Panorama Software Updates

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Manage Panorama Software Updates

Select PanoramaSoftware to perform the tasks described in the following table.
By default, the Panorama management server saves up to two software updates. To make space for newer updates, the server automatically deletes the oldest update. You can change the number of software images that Panorama saves and manually delete images to free up space.
Refer to Install Content and Software Updates for Panorama for important information about version compatibility.
Check Now
If Panorama has access to the Internet, Check Now to display the latest update information (see Display Panorama Software Update Information).
If Panorama does not have access to the external network, use a browser to visit the Software Update site for update information.
To upload a software image when Panorama does not have access to the Internet, use a browser to visit theSoftware Update site, locate the desired release and download the software image to a computer that Panorama can access, select PanoramaSoftware, click Upload, Browse to and select the software image, and click OK. When the upload is complete, the Downloaded column displays a check mark and the Action column displays Install.
If Panorama has access to the Internet, Download (Action column) the desired release. When the download is complete, the Downloaded column displays a check mark.
Preferred Releases
(PAN-OS 10.1.4 and later 10.1 releases)
Select the Preferred Releases checkbox to view the list of preferred releases. Preferred releases offer the latest and advanced features. Ensure that you use preferred releases for stability and optimal performance.
By default, both preferred and base releases are selected.
If Panorama does not have access to the external network, use a browser to visit the Software Update site to view the preferred releases.
Base Releases
(PAN-OS 10.1.4 and later 10.1 releases)
Select the Base Releases checkbox to view the list of base releases. A base release is the earliest version of a specific release.
By default, both preferred and base releases are selected.
If Panorama does not have access to the external network, use a browser to visit the Software Update site to view the base releases.
Install (Action column) the software image. When the installation finishes, Panorama logs you out while it reboots.
Panorama periodically performs a file system integrity check (FSCK) to prevent corruption of the Panorama system files. This check occurs after eight reboots or at a reboot that occurs 90 days after the last FSCK. A warning appears in the web interface and SSH login screens if an FSCK is in progress and you cannot log in until it completes. The time to complete this process varies by storage system size; for a large system, it can take several hours before you can log back into Panorama. To view progress, set up console access to Panorama.
Release Notes
If Panorama has access to the Internet, you can access the Release Notes for the desired software release and review the release changes, fixes, known issues, compatibility issues, and changes to default behavior.
If Panorama does not have access to the Internet, use a browser to visit the Software Update site and download the appropriate release.
Deletes a software image when no longer needed or when you want to free up space for more images.
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