: Panorama > Managed Collectors

Panorama > Managed Collectors

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Panorama > Managed Collectors

The Panorama management server (M-Series appliance or Panorama virtual appliance in Panorama mode) can manage Dedicated Log Collectors (M-Series appliances or Panorama virtual appliance in Log Collector mode). Each Panorama management server also has a local predefined Log Collector (named default) to process the logs it receives directly from firewalls. (A Panorama virtual appliance in Legacy mode stores the logs it receives directly from firewalls without using a Dedicated Log Collector.)
To use Panorama for managing a Dedicated Log Collector, add the Log Collector as a managed collector.
What do you want to do?
Display Log Collector information
Add, edit, or delete a Log Collector
Update Panorama software on a Log Collector
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