: Device > Config Audit

Device > Config Audit

Table of Contents

Device > Config Audit

Select DeviceConfig Audit to see the differences between configuration files. The page displays the configurations side by side in separate panes and highlights the differences line by line using colors to indicate additions (green), modifications (yellow), or deletions (red):
Config Audit Settings
Configuration name drop-downs (unlabeled)
Select two configurations to compare in the (unlabeled) configuration name drop-downs (the defaults are Running config and Candidate config).
You can filter a drop-down by entering a text string derived from the Description value of the commit operation associated with the desired configuration (see Commit Changes).
Context drop-down
Use the Context drop-down to specify the number of lines to display before and after the highlighted differences in each file. Specifying more lines can help you correlate the audit results to settings in the web interface. If you set the Context to All, the results include the entire configuration files.
Click Go to start the audit.
Previous (
) and
Next (
These navigation arrows are enabled when consecutive configuration versions are selected in the configuration name drop-downs. Click
to compare the previous pair of configurations in the drop-downs or click
to compare the next pair of configurations.
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