: HIP Objects Anti-Malware Tab

HIP Objects Anti-Malware Tab

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HIP Objects Anti-Malware Tab

  • ObjectsGlobalProtectHIP Objects<hip-object>Anti-Malware
Select the Anti-Malware tab to enable HIP matching based on the antivirus or anti-spyware coverage on the GlobalProtect endpoints.
HIP Object Anti-Malware Settings
Select Anti-Malware to enable matching based on the antivirus or anti-spyware coverage on the host. Define additional matching criteria for the match as follows:
  • Is Installed—Match on whether antivirus or anti-spyware software is installed on the host.
  • Real Time Protection—Match on whether real-time antivirus or anti-spyware protection is enabled on the host. If the Is Installed selection is cleared, this field is automatically set to None and is disabled for editing.
  • Virus Definition Version—Match when the virus definitions have been updated within a specified number of days or release versions.
  • Product Version—Match a specific version of the antivirus or anti-spyware software. To specify a version, select an operator from the drop-down, and then enter a string representing the product version.
  • Last Scan Time—Specify whether to match based on the last time that the antivirus or anti-spyware scan was run. Select an operator from the drop-down, and then specify a number of Days or Hours to match against.
  • Vendor and Product—Define specific antivirus or anti-spyware software vendors and/or products to look for on the host to determine a match. Click Add, and then choose a Vendor from the drop-down. Optionally, click Add to choose a specific Product. Click OK to save the settings.
  • Exclude Vendor—Select this option to match hosts that do not have software from the specified vendor.
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