Manage Prisma Access Browser Security Rules
Prisma Access Browser

Manage Prisma Access Browser Security Rules

Table of Contents

Manage Prisma Access Browser Security Rules

Learn how to manage security rules for Prisma Access Secure Enterprise Browser (Prisma Access Browser).
Where Can I Use This?What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma Access Browser standalone
  • Prisma Access with Prisma Access Browser bundle license or Prisma Access Browser standalone license
  • Superuser or Prisma Access Browser role
Browser Security Rules allow you to design a strong and secure browser environment. Using the different controls, you can consider many potential security issues in determining the security posture. This will make sure that the enforcement can be done in a very effective manner.
To view the rules:
  1. From Strata Cloud Manager, select ManageConfigurationPrisma Access Browser PolicyRules.
  2. Select the Browser Security tab.
    The Browser Security list displays the following information for each rule:
    The information displays changes based on the rule type selected.
    • Priority - The order in which the Rules are enforced. Once a Rule is matched, the Browser stops looking for another match.
      1. Select the cog icon to the left of Change priorities to modify which of the following fields you want to display.
      2. Select Change priorities to reorder the rules in the list. The rules are processed in order, and once a rule is matched, the processing stops.
    • Name- The name of the Rule.
    • Scope - The Users and User groups included in the Rule.
    • Browser Security controls - The Browser security controls used as part of the Rule. If the Rule uses a profile, the name of the profile is highlighted in the display.
    • Updated - The date and name of the person who made the most recent update. Hover over the entry to see the full timestamp.

Search and Filter

You can search and filter for specific rules.
  1. From Strata Cloud Manager, select ManageConfigurationPrisma Access Browser PolicyRules.
  2. Select the Browser Security tab.
  3. Search for rules by the description.
  4. Filter on rules based on specific criteria:
    • Users – The Users and User Groups that are included in a Rule.
    • Device group - The Device groups that are included in a Rule.
    • Controls - The browser security controls that are used in the Rule.
    • Mode (available in Add Filter) - The filter can include the following options:
      • Active - Rules that are active and are used by the Policy Engine.
      • Disabled – Inactive Rules are skipped by the Policy Engine.
    • Profile - If the Rule uses External Controls (Profiles) as part of the Policy Rules, then you can use this filter to assist the search.

Create New Browser Security Rules

Adding a new Browser Security Rule can be done easily with an understanding of how the Rule will be used and enforced. Each Rule needs to be planned very carefully, taking into consideration the way that each element will be configured. This will make sure that the enforcement can be done effectively. These controls make sure that the actual Prisma Access browser and the peripherals are protected.
The rule parameters allow you to have full control over the entire policy.
When setting up a rule, you can click on the Wizard controls on the left side or click the Next: button at the bottom of the page.
  1. From Strata Cloud Manager, select ManageConfigurationPrisma Access Browser PolicyRules.
  2. Select the Browser Security tab and + Add Rule.
    1. Enter a Name for the rule.
    2. Select the Mode.
      • Monitoring - Rules that only write an entry to the Events Log. A Rule set to monitoring can be used for testing new rules.
      • Active - Rules that are active and are used by the Policy Engine. This is the default action.
      • Disabled – These are inactive Rules that are skipped by the Policy Engine.
    3. Select Next: Scope.
  3. On the Scope page, enter the following information:
    1. Users/User Groups - Select the Users and User Groups that will be covered by the Rule. It is possible to select multiple Users and User Groups. The default is Any user.
    2. Networks- Enter a Public IP address with a subnet, if needed, or a CIDR and Add.
    3. Location – If the rule needs to be restricted by geolocation, select the location from the list.
    4. Select Next: Browser Security controls.
  4. On the Browser Security controls page, select the controls that are used in the rule. It can contain multiple controls. For information on configuring the individual controls, configure browser security controls:
    • Browser Session
    • Browser Hardening
    • Network Protection
    • Extensions
    • Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode
    • Printers
    • Privacy
    • Browser Session
    • Anti-Exploitation (Attack Surface Reduction)
    • The Rule can include Profile configurations that can be configured outside of the Rule. Select Saved profiles to select a preconfigured profile in place of the Data controls.
  5. Save.

Configure External Controls

Inline profiles should be configured within the Rules in the Controls sections. This allows you to create specialized rules containing different combinations and configurations of controls.
The Profiles feature is used when you want to use legacy profiles and add them to the rules.
Rules can contain either inline data controls or external controls.
The Controls for the Prisma Access Browser rules are configured internally, within the body of the individual rule. This means that each rule contains its own unique set of controls.
There are some use cases when you might want to create multiple rules using the same list of controls. To accomplish this task, Prisma Access Browser has a mechanism to create external controls that are not built into a rule but exist separately. Each control defines a particular use case containing configurations for the Policy control types.
  1. ManageConfigurationPrisma Access Browser RulesBrowser Security
  2. Add rule.
  3. Browser Security controls
    These controls block users and malicious actors from exploiting the information and accessing the data. For information on configuring the individual controls, configure browser security controls:
    • Browser Session
    • Browser Hardening
    • Network Protection
    • Extensions
    • Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode
    • Printers
    • Privacy
    • Anti-Exploitation (Attack Surface Reduction)