Strata Logging Service


Table of Contents


Onboard Panorama devices
The devices are not onboarded automatically while activating Panorama. Use the Strata Logging Service standalone app or Strata Cloud Manager to onboard Panorama devices.
You can perform the following actions:
  • Add a Panorama appliance to your Strata Logging Service instance.
    1. Log in to hub and launch Strata Logging Service app.
    2. Select the Strata Logging Service instance to which you would like to move the devices.
    3. Click InventoryAdd.
      If you are using Strata Cloud Manager to manage Strata Logging Service, click Settings > Device Associations page to add devices to your Strata Logging Service instance.
    4. In the Device Associations page, click Add Device.
    5. Select the device you want to onboard and save changes.
    6. Continue to associate product with devices:
      1. In the Device Association page, select Associate Products.
      2. In the Licensed Products selection column, select Strata Logging Service.
      3. Select the devices you want to associate with the product and save the changes.
  • Generate OTP to create the one-time password used to onboard Panorama-managed firewalls to your Strata Logging Service instance.
    Panorama uses this OTP to install the logging service certificate. Alternatively, for Panorama 10.1 or later, go to the Customer Support Portal to get the OTP for installing the device certificate
    You can Generate OTP and Add devices only in Standalone Strata Logging Service app. When you select these options in Strata Cloud Manager, you will be automatically redirected to Strata Logging Service app.
  • Move a Panorama appliance from one Strata Logging Service to another- remove the associated appliance from the tenant and add it to the new tenant.
    1. Navigate to Strata Cloud ManagerSettingsDevice Associations
    2. Select the device you want to disassociate with Strata Logging Service and other products.
    3. Click Remove Associations Remove product association and click Remove.
    4. Select the device you want to disassociate from the tenant.
    5. Click Remove Associations Remove tenant association and click Remove.
  • View the onboarded Panorama appliances- This list does not show the mapping of a Panorama to its managed firewalls.
    NameThe name under which the Customer Support Portal registered the Panorama. If unnamed, then the name appears as Panorama.
    You can change this name in the Customer Support Portal.
    ModelThe model of the Panorama
    Serial NumberThe unique serial number of the Panorama
    PAN-OS VersionThe version of PAN-OS that the Panorama is running
    Last Contact TimeThe last time that the Panorama communicated with Strata Logging Service to query logs.
    Certificate StatusWhether the Panorama has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service. Hover over the certificate status to see which certificate the Panorama is using to connect to Strata Logging Service: logging service certificate or device certificate.
    • Needs Certificate—The certificate is missing. This device can't connect to Strata Logging Service.
    • Activated—This device has the certificate necessary to connect to Strata Logging Service
    • Expired—The certificate has expired. The device is unable to connect to Strata Logging Service until you renew the certificate.
    • Expiring in 7 Days—The certificate will expire in 7 days. Renew the certificate as soon as possible to remain connected to Strata Logging Service
    You can have up to 20 Panorama devices associated with your instance at a time.