: IoT Security Devices Page

IoT Security Devices Page

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IoT Security
Devices Page

The Devices page in the
IoT Security
portal displays an inventory of discovered devices.
This page (
) is where you can see an inventory of all the devices that were discovered or are being monitored and the device profiles applied to them. There are three sections on this page: filters to control what data appears on it, a high-level summary of the devices on your network, and the device inventory table.
At the top of the page are filters to control the data displayed by site, monitoring status (Monitored Devices or Discovered Devices), device type, and time period. This same set of global filters is at the top of the Devices page and the Dashboard. Whatever global filters you set in one section persists when you navigate to the other. These filters control what to display and what to download. Whatever is currently active is what you save when you click the
icon (
> Download
. For each device in the report,
IoT Security
includes whatever data it has for all the inventory table columns, whether they are currently visible or not at the time of the download.
There are two other options in the Download menu. Clicking
Create report
opens a new browser window or tab in which you can configure one of the following types of scheduled reports: Summary, Risk, New Device, and Filtered Inventory. Clicking
Download change log
and selecting two dates generates a CSV-formatted file that compares changes in your device inventory on your two selected dates.
IoT Security
checks and reports changes in data fields such as category, profile, profile vertical, OS group, device model, IP address, and subnet.
Clicking the pie chart or clicking content in the table lets you view device data at multiple levels of granularity.
At the top of the inventory table is a search tool, which allows you to search for device names. You can search for a full or partial match. If you employ a naming convention that identifies all devices by function, location, or some other characteristic, this allows you to search by that part of the name shared by all the devices in a particular grouping.
There is also a tool for creating custom filters that control what
IoT Security
displays in the Inventory table. To create and apply a new filter or to apply a previously created filter, click the
icon (
In the Filters dialog box that appears, select a previously defined and saved filter or click in the
Create a new filter
field and choose a device characteristic by which you want to filter devices.
Enter a value for the characteristic you want to use to filter devices.
Decide if you want to include global filters in your custom filter or not. When you select
Include global filter data
, you can control the global filters for sites, device types, and time whenever you apply the custom filter you are defining. Your custom filter can use either the current global filters or, if you modify them in the settings, the modified global filters. If you do not select
Include global filter data
, your custom filter will use whatever global filters happen to be in effect at the time you apply it.
Click the star icon to save the filter for future use. Click
to use it to filter the contents of the Inventory table now.
You can rearrange the columns in the device inventory table by click-dragging column headings into different locations.
You can also change which columns appear in the table. Click the
icon (three vertical bars), select the names of the columns you want to see, and clear the ones you want to hide. The columns with selected check boxes appear and those with cleared check boxes do not. Use the search tool to find column headings quickly.
To return to the default set of columns,
Reset to default
If you select the check box for one or more devices, the Download and Edit buttons appear.
When you click
, a dialog box opens where you can change the device type between IoT and Traditional IT and define other device characteristics: category, profile, vendor, model, OS family, OS version, location, asset tag, serial number, user tags, and description.
When you edit a device manually and change any of its attributes, your change is considered definitive and won't be overwritten. Therefore, be careful when manually editing a device because you're locking in your edits.
Whenever you manually edit a device, the modifications are fed into machine learning. If
IoT Security
determines the input is valid, it retrains its models with the added or modified data and propagates the results to all its customers.
IoT Security
then applies its revised models to other devices of the same type in all customer environments.
If you type something in the category field, and there isn’t an existing category, a “Request New Category” option appears.
Use this option to request that
IoT Security
create a new category for the device. If the request is validated, then the category is added—not just for the person requesting it but for all
IoT Security
When you select multiple devices to edit, a table appears at the bottom of the dialog box for convenience. It displays the current values for your selections. If you mistakenly selected one that you don’t want, you can spot it here.

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