: Device > Policy > Recommendation SaaS

Device > Policy > Recommendation SaaS

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Device > Policy > Recommendation SaaS

View information on policy rule recommendations from Prisma SaaS and import policies to the firewall.
Source User
The administrator who sent the policy rule recommendation to the firewall.
Source Device
The source device for the policy rule recommendation.
The device group on Panorama where this policy rule recommendation is available.
Security Profiles
The security profile that the policy rule recommendation allows.
The applications or application groups that the policy rule recommendation allows. Click application group names to see the individual applications in that group.
The tags that identify the policy rule for the policy rule recommendation.
Do not change the tags of the policy rule; if you change the tags, the firewall cannot rebuild the policy mappings.
The description that the Prisma SaaS administrator gives to the policy rule recommendation.
Active Recommendation
Identifies whether this policy rule recommendation is
  • active
    —Currently used in Prisma SaaS security policy.
  • removed
    —Removed from policy by the Prisma SaaS administrator. The firewall administrator can no longer import the policy rule and should
    Remove Policy Mapping
    from the firewall and then remove the Security policy rule from the firewall rulebase. Do not leave removed rules in the firewall rulebase.
Identifies the action for this policy rule recommendation, either
New Update Available
Identifies that there is a new update for the policy rule recommendation. Check the
column for the application changes. If you agree with the changes, select the rule and
Import Policy Rule
to update the policy. that you must import from Prisma SaaS. When you import the policy rule recommendation update, the firewall dynamically updates the security policy rule and its associated objects.
Import Policy Rule
Imports the selected policy rule recommendations from Prisma SaaS.
Remove Policy Mapping
If you no longer need the policy rule recommendation for a device, you can
Remove Policy Mapping
for it.
You must also delete the policy rule corresponding to the policy rule recommendation.
Sync Policy Rules
If the SaaS administrator removes a policy recommendation and you
Remove Policy Mappings
for it and delete the Security policy rule, the removed rule may remain in the rule recommendation list if the information becomes out-of-sync.
Sync Policy Rules
to synchronize it.

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