: Known Issues in the Panorama Plugin for Azure 4.2.0

Known Issues in the Panorama Plugin for Azure 4.2.0

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Known Issues in the Panorama Plugin for Azure 4.2.0

The following list describes known issues in the Panorama plugin for Azure 4.2.0.


When you update the number firewalls in the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) and attempting to redeploy, the deployment status becomes stuck in the Deploying state and some firewalls are displayed as disconnected. Additionally, the new number of firewalls is not reflected in the summary. After 30 or more minutes, the firewalls display as Connected and the correct number of firewalls is displayed.


VM-Series firewalls are not cleaned up from the device summary, templates, and device groups on the secondary passive Panorama node after undeploy of an upgraded and redeployed Panorama plugin for Azure 4.1.0 orchestration.


After performing an undeploy of a successful orchestration with the Panorama plugin for Azure 4.1.0, when attempting to commit a new configuration, you might see device group, template, or template stack settings from the previous deployment in the commit list.


On a Panorama HA pair, you might see tracebacks on the new primary firewall in the monitoring logs after a failover event. Additionally, monitoring fails while the tracebacks occur.
Workaround: Perform a commit on the primary active node to recover monitoring.


The command debug plugins azure azure-tags dump-all monitoring-definition does not work in the tags contain ASCII characters.


When a proxy configuration is deleted and committed on Panorama, you might observe logs reaching the proxy intermittently.


After a successful VM-Series firewall deployment, the Panorama plugin for Azure displays the status Warning and the message Deployment succeeded but FWs have yet to connect with Panorama after 20 min if the configured PA-VM version is PAN-OS 10.1.x and later.
Workaround: Use CommitPush to Devices to synchronize the templates.
You can upgrade to PAN-OS 10.2.2 or later to avoid this issue.