Manage Prisma Access Browser Policy Profiles
Prisma Access Browser

Manage Prisma Access Browser Policy Profiles

Table of Contents

Prisma Access Browser
Policy Profiles

Learn how to manage policy profiles or external controls for
Prisma Access Secure Enterprise Browser
Prisma Access Browser
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma Access Browser
  • Prisma Access
    Prisma Access Browser
    bundle license or
    Prisma Access Browser
    standalone license
  • Superuser or
    Prisma Access Browser
Profiles (or external controls) can be used when you want to save reusable (or legacy) profiles and attach them to the rules later. The controls for the
Prisma Access Browser
rules can also be configured within the body of the individual rule instead when you manage inline policy rules.

Create a Policy Profile

  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
  2. Select the Profile (Control) type you will be using and click the + next to the group.
  3. Enter a name for the Profile and
  4. Configure the controls that will be included in the Profile.
    It is possible to select more than one control per profile:
  5. After the Profile Controls are configured,
    Save X changes
    , located on the lower right of the browser. The button will "shake" to remind you to save the changes.

Attach a Policy Profile to a Rule

After you create profiles, you can attach them to rules. When you create a new Profile Rule, you can select a preconfigured Policy Profile instead of using the Control step in the rule creation Wizard.
  1. Create the rule according to the regular procedure, such as create an Access and Data Control Rule.
  2. At the Controls step, select the Profile from the Saved profiles list.
  3. Save
  4. To indicate that the Rule is using a Policy Profile, the name of the Profile will be displayed in a highlighted background.

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