Configure Prisma Access Browser Browser Security Controls
Prisma Access Browser

Configure Prisma Access Browser Browser Security

Table of Contents

Prisma Access Browser
Browser Security Controls

Configure browser security controls for
Prisma Access Secure Enterprise Browser
Prisma Access Browser
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma Access Browser
  • Prisma Access
    Prisma Access Browser
    bundle license or
    Prisma Access Browser
    standalone license
  • Superuser or
    Prisma Access Browser
You can configure the controls in the following ways:
The following topics only display one way.

Browser Security – Browser Session

Browser Lock

Mobile browser support
- Partial support
The Prisma Access Browser includes a lock screen feature enabling you to apply an extra layer of security to your browser. If the Browser Lock is enabled, users will need to enter a PIN code or a Passkey to unlock the browser upon first use, or after a configurable idle time has elapsed. This feature is especially useful for Unmanaged devices. For Unmanaged devices, you are not able to configure a device lock. This feature allows you to protect the enterprise data by configuring a lock on the browser.
This PIN code is browser-dependent and is not related to the SSO password.
The Authentication method is configured in
Browser Security -> Authentication Factor
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Browser Lock
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - enable the Browser lock.
      • Select the
        Idle time
        - 1 minute to 12 hours (or never). This is the time that must elapse before the Browser Lock screen appears.
    • Disable
      - the Prisma Access Browser will disable malicious file protection.
  4. Set

Flush Browser Data

Partial Mobile support
This policy creates temporary browser sessions. This means that browser data will be cleared upon close, or after a configured time period.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Flush Browser Data
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - the Prisma Access Browser flush the browser data.
      • Select the attributes to clear:
        • Browsing history
        • Download history
        • Cookies and other site data
        • Cached images and files
        • Passwords and Passkeys
        • Autofill
        • Site settings.
        • Host app data
      • Select the trigger for the browser flush action:
        • Browser close
          - the data will be flushed when the browser is closed.
        • Time period
          - the data will be flushed after the configured time elapsed. If this option is selected, you can set the flush time from 1-24 hours.
    • Disable
      – disable the Browser flush feature.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Browser Hardening


No Mobile support
This feature controls the ability to screencast a tab or the desktop via the Prisma Access Browser.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select
    to permit casting or
    to deny casting.
  4. Set
  5. Restart the browser to apply this feature.

Developer Tools

No Mobile support
This feature actively controls users' ability to open Developer Tools or manually load browser extensions in "Developer Mode" via "load unpack". It can also assist with preventing users from running unauthorized JavaScript code in the Developer Tools console.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Developer Tools
  3. Select
    to permit the Developer options, or
    to deny their use.
  4. Set
    Restart the browser to apply this feature.

Password Saving

Mobile support -
Full support
This feature determines whether the browser will be able to save passwords for websites.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Password Saving
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Users will be able to save passwords in the browser.
    • Block
      - Users will be restricted to save passwords in the browser.
  4. Set

Autofill of Forms

No Mobile support
This feature determines whether or not the browser will store information to autofill forms.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Autofill of Forms
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – The browser will save information to autofill forms in the future.
    • Block
      – The browser will not save form information to be filled automatically in the future.
  4. Set

Autofill of Credit Cards

No Mobile support
This feature determines whether or not the browser will allow users to store credit card information.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Autofill of Credit Cards
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – Prisma Access Browser will be able to save credit card details.
    • Block
      – Prisma Access Browser will be restricted from saving credit card details for future use.
  4. Set

Native Messaging Hosts

No Mobile support
Native Messaging Hosts allows the software installed on the device to communicate with Prisma Access Browser and its installed extensions, and vice versa. Enterprise software that interacts with the browser typically requires you to select "Allow only hosts installed with admin permissions."
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Native Messaging Hosts
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – the browser will
      able to communicate with Native Messaging Hosts.
    • Allow only hosts installed with admin permissions
    • Block
      – the browser’s use of Native Messaging Hosts will be restricted.
  4. Set

JavaScript Running from Omnibox

No Mobile support
This feature determines whether or not users will be able to run JavaScript code from the browser omnibox (Address Bar). Users may exploit this functionality to manipulate web pages using JavaScript.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    JavaScript Running from Onmibox
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – the Prisma Access Browser will allow JavaScript to run from omnibox..
    • Block
      – the Prisma Access Browser will restrict JavaScript from running from omnibox.
  4. Set

Keylogging Protection

No Mobile support
This policy allows you to determine if keylogging protection will be enabled. Keylogging tools can monitor and report a user's actions as they interact with the computer. As the name suggests, a keylogger records what the user types, and reports the information back to whoever installed the logger.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Keylogging Protection
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – Keyloggers will be prevented from listening to keystrokes typed on Prisma Access Browsers.
    • Block
      – Keylogging protection is turned off.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
With this feature, you can control the display of popups in the browser.
The popups can be allowed, allowed with exceptions, blocked, or blocked with exceptions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      – Popups will be permitted in the browser. You can specifically exclude domains from being allowed. This will block popups from those domains only.
    • Block
      – Popups will be blocked. You can specifically exclude domains from being blocked. This will allow popups from those domains only.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
You can use this feature to control notifications being displayed within the browser. The notifications can be allowed, allowed with exceptions, blocked, or blocked with exceptions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Notifications will be permitted in the browser. You can specifically exclude specific domains. This will block notifications from these domains.
    • Block
      - Notifications will be blocked. You can specifically exclude specific domains from the rule. This will allow popups from those domains only.
  4. Set

Authentication Factor

No Mobile support
You can use this feature to configure the settings for the Authentications methods. When you need to enable the Browser Lock or step-up MFA across the different data controls, this control is needed to select the options for the lock.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Authentication Factor
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • PIN Code
      – configure the size of the code (between 4-6 digits) and the number of attempts that can be made before the account will be locked out.
    • Passkey
      – select whether the passkey will be an Internal or External authenticator.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Network Protection

Pages with SSL Errors

No Mobile support
This feature manages how the Prisma Access Browser will react when it encounters a page with an SSL error. In general, most browsers ask for permission to "Proceed to [FQDN] (unsafe)".
Since SSL errors can occur during an SSL MitM attack, you can use this control to block the "Proceed..." functionality.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Pages with SSL Errors
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Allow users to bypass the blocking page when an SSL issue is identified.
    • Block
      – the Prisma Access Browser will block the "Proceed..." option when an SSL issue is identified.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
This feature manages how the Prisma Access Browser will react when it encounters a page with an SSL error. In general, most browsers ask for permission to "Proceed to [FQDN] (unsafe)".
Since SSL errors can occur during an SSL MitM attack, you can use this control to block the "Proceed..." functionality.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - Enter the following information:
      Upon DNS over HTTPS resolve failure:
      • Fail-open:
        Resolve using plain DNS.
      • Fail-close:
        Do not resolve.
    • Enter the
      DNS-over-HTTPS resolver's
    • Disable
      – Prisma Access Browser will not enable DNS over HTTPS resolution.
  4. Set

Trusted Certificate Authorities

No Mobile support
This feature manages how the Prisma Access Browser will react when it encounters a page with an SSL error. In general, most browsers ask for permission to "Proceed to [FQDN] (unsafe)".
Since SSL errors can occur during an SSL MitM attack, you can use this control to block the "Proceed..." functionality.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Trusted Certificate Authorities
  3. Select the certificate authorities that are to be trusted by the Prisma Access Browser (this limits the trust to certificates that are already trusted):
    • Device trust store
      - Trust the certificate authorities installed in the device's certificate store.
    • Prisma Access Browser trust store
      - Trust only certificate authorities that are trusted by Palo Alto Networks, and ignores certificates installed in the Device trust store.
    • None
      - Do not trust certificates in any trust store.
  4. Additional trusted certificate authorities
    - Add customer-provided certificates not already trusted by the Prisma Access Browser..
    1. Enter a name for the certificate.
    2. Drag or Browse a certificate in .pem, .der, .crt, or .cer formats.
  5. Set

Basic Authentication over HTTP

No Mobile support
This feature controls whether the Prisma Access Browser can use Basic Authentication over HTTP websites.
Since Basic Authentication sends authentication tokens in clear text, sending them over HTTP can be visible to attackers as part of a MitM attack.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Basic Authentication over HTTP
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - allow Prisma Access Browser to use Basic Authentication over HTTP websites.
    • Block
      – block Prisma Access Browser from using Basic Authentication over HTTP websites.
  4. Set

Pages with Insecure Content

No Mobile support
This feature controls whether users can load insecure content (data located on HTTP servers) to secure websites (located on HTTPS servers).
You can choose to exclude specific domains from this feature when there are specific applications that need an exception to the rule.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Pages with Insecure Content
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Prisma Access Browser will allow insecure content.
      1. Exclude specific domains
        - list domains that will receive an exception to the rule.
    • Block
      – Prisma Access Browser will not allow insecure content.
      1. Exclude specific domains
        - list domains that will receive an exception to the rule.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
You can force the use of the
HTTPS protocol
, minimizing the risk of MitM attacks.
You will be able to force HTTPS for all domains, force HTTPS but exclude certain domains, or disable forced HTTPS and work without any restrictions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Force HTTPS
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - Prisma Access Browser will require use of the HTTPs protocol. You can select specific domains that will be excluded - meaning that these domains will not require the HTTPs protocol.
    • Disable
      – Prisma Access Browser will not require use of the HTTPs protocol.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Extensions

Allowed or Blocked Extensions

No Mobile support
Allowed or Blocked Extensions give you control over which extensions are permitted in the Prisma Access Browser.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Allowed or Blocked Extensions
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow all
      - allow all extensions.
    • Block specific extensions
      - you can select specific extensions to block. The extension must be identified by its ID.
    • Allow only specific extensions
      - you can select specific extensions to permit. The extension must be identified by its ID.
    • Block all
      - block all extensions.
  4. Set

Block Extensions by Permission

No Mobile support
This control allows you to block extensions based on their required permissions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Block Extensions by Permission
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Grant all permissions
      - permit running extensions without regard to their required permissions.
    • Block extensions that use specific permissions
      - block that requires specific permissions. Permissions that were not selected will be permitted. You can select as many permissions as required.
  4. Set

Hide Sensitive Data from Extensions

No Mobile support
This control allows you to hide sensitive data - any data that can compromise user information and be used for illicit logins - from extensions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Hide Sensitive Data from Extensions
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - enable hiding sensitive data from extensions.
    • Disable
      - do not hide sensitive data from extensions.
  4. Set

Restrict Extension Host Permissions

No Mobile support
This control allows you to hide sensitive data - any data that can compromise user information and be used for illicit logins - from extensions.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Restrict Extension Host Permissions
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - prevent extensions from running scripts and accessing content.
    • Enable for specific domains
      - prevent extensions from running scripts and accessing content from specific domains. Click
      to see information regarding domain syntax.
    • Disable
      - do not prevent extensions from running scripts and accessing content.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode

Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode

Microsoft has announced end-of-support dates for different versions of IE. For more information, refer to Microsoft's Lifecycle FAQ.
Organizations may require compatibility with Internet Explorer, as they are running internal legacy websites.
You can select these particular sites and allow users to access them in the Prisma Access Browser using Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode. This will render the application or site as if it were being accessed via Internet Explorer.
Click here for more information regarding entering URLs.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable compatibility mode
      - You need to add the target URLs that need Internet Explorer Compatibility.
    • No compatibility mode support
      - Users will not be able to use sites that require IE Compatibility.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Printers

Allowed Printers

No Mobile support
The Prisma Access Browser allows you to configure particular printers for users who need to print from the browser. This provides an additional level of security, where end-users will only be able to print to permitted devices, such as printers in the office.
This feature does not preclude users from printing from other devices when using applications not managed through the Prisma Access Browser.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Allowed Printers
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • No printers
      – end-users cannot print from the browser.
    • Set printers
      - Click
      Add Printer
      to enter the network location of each printer that end users will be able to select when printing is required.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Privacy

Third-party Cookies

No Mobile support
The Prisma Access Browser allows you to configure particular printers for users who need to print from the browser. This provides an additional level of security, where end-users will only be able to print to permitted devices, such as printers in the office.
This feature does not preclude users from printing from other devices when using applications not managed through the Prisma Access Browser.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Third-party Cookies
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Third-party elements can set cookies.
    • Block
      - Third-party elements cannot set cookies.
  4. Set

Browser History

No Mobile support
The Prisma Access Browser allows you to configure particular printers for users who need to print from the browser. This provides an additional level of security, where end-users will only be able to print to permitted devices, such as printers in the office.
This feature does not preclude users from printing from other devices when using applications not managed through the Prisma Access Browser.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Browser History
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Enable
      - browser history is saved.
    • Disable
      - browser history is not saved, and tab syncing is disabled. This setting cannot be changed by users.
    • Block Deletion
      - browser history and download history cannot be deleted.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
This policy controls the ability to store cookies on the browser. It allows companies to keep the data only for the session to avoid theft of the credentials.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - default cookies behavior, as controlled by the end-user.
      After choosing this option, you can select specific domains to exclude. This means that the selected domains will not be able to set cookies.
    • Block
      - do not allow any websites to set the local data.
      After choosing this option, you can select specific domains to include. This means that the selected domains will be able to set cookies.
    • Session only
      - keep cookies for the duration of the session. After choosing this option, you can select the URLs that will keep cookies for the duration of the session.
  4. Set

Browser Security – Anti-exploitation (Attack surface reduction)

Anti-Exploitation controls enable you to reduce the potential attack surface of the browser. These controls effectively limit usage of browser components that are complex and are occasionally found to contain vulnerabilities. While the latest version of the browser would never include known vulnerabilities, disabling unnecessary components limits the potential exposure between when a vulnerability is found and the time it is fixed.
You should be aware that by disabling these components, you may impact some web page functionality. To minimize the impact on end-users, a non-intrusive dialog will be displayed if a capability is canceled. You need to be aware of these dialogs and the corresponding events in case users report issues with web pages. For example, disabling WebGL may impact functionality of an online maps website. When the users complain, you can identify the issue by looking for corresponding events and dialogs when users browse to these sites.
When a web page is affected by a disabled component, an abbreviated message is shown. Users can click on the message to display a more informative one. The message will pop up once per viewed website. A Log event will also be generated.

JavaScript v8 JIT

No Mobile support
Just-in-time (JIT) helps improve the performance of JavaScript code by compiling bytecode into native machine code at run time.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the JavaScript v8 JIT mechanism, which can be potentially exploited.
In addition, disabling JIT activates multiple vulnerability mitigation techniques, including Control Flow Guard (CFG), Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET), and Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG).
: Disabling JavaScript v8 JIT may impact browser performance.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    JavaScript v8 JIT
  3. Select one of the following options:
      1. Allow
        - allow the use of JavaScript v8 JIT.
      2. Block
        - block the use of JavaScript v8 JIT.
      3. To exclude specific applications, enter their domains into the exclusion list. Click here for more information regarding entering URLs.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is an open-source project that enables real-time voice, text, and video communication capabilities between web browsers and devices.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebRTC protocol, which can be potentially exploited.
Disabling WebRTC will prevent some video conferencing tools, including Microsoft Teams and Google Meet from working. To overcome this issue, add their domains to the exclusion list as described below.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
      1. Allow
        - Allow the use of WebRTC.
      2. Block
        - Block the use of WebRTC.
      3. To exclude specific applications, enter their domains into the exclusion list. Click here for more information regarding entering URLs.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
The PDFium library is used to render PDF files in Chromium browsers.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the PDFium library, which can be potentially exploited.
When PDFium is disabled, the Prisma Access Browser will not be able to open regular or protected PDF files.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
  3. Select one of the following options:
      1. Allow
        - Permit use of the PDFium library to render PDF files.
      2. Block
        - Block use of the PDFium library to render PDF files.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
WebGL is a JavaScript-based API that is used for rendering high performance interactive 2-and 3D graphics using hardware graphics acceleration features provided in the user's device.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebGL API, which can be potentially exploited.
Disabling WebGL API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    WebGL API
  3. Select one of the following options:
      1. Allow
        - Permit use of the WebGL API.
      2. Block
        - Block use of the WebGL API.
  4. Set

File System API

No Mobile support
The File System Access API (formerly known as the Native File System API and Writable Files API) enables developers to build powerful web apps that interact with files on the user's local device, such as IDEs, photos, video editors, text editors, and more. After a user grants a web app access, this API allows them to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user's device. Beyond reading and writing files, the File System Access API allows opening a directory and enumerating its contents.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the File System API, which can be potentially exploited.
Disabling File System API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    File System API
  3. Select one of the following options:
      1. Allow
        - Permit use of the File System API.
      2. Block
        - Block use of the File System API.
  4. Set

Sensors API

No Mobile support
The Sensors API controls access to several different low-level and high-level device sensor types.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the Sensors API, which can be potentially exploited.
The Sensors API controls access to several different low-level and high-level device sensor types.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the Sensors API, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling Sensors API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Sensors API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the Sensors API.
    • Block
      - Block use of the Sensors API.
  4. Set

WebSerial API

No Mobile support
The WebSerial API provides a method for websites to read from and write to serial devices. The devices can be connected via serial port, or by USB or Bluetooth devices that emulate a serial port.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebSerial API, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling WebSerial API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    WebSerial API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the WebSerial API.
    • Block
      - Block use of the WebSerial API.
  4. Set

WebBluetooth API

No Mobile support
The WebBluetooth API provides a way for websites to communicate over GATT (Generic ATTribute Profile) with nearby user-selected Bluetooth devices in a secure and privacy-preserving way.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebBluetooth API, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling WebBluetooth API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    WebBluetooth API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the WebBluetooth API.
    • Block
      - Block use of the WebBluetooth API.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
The WebUSB API is a JavaScript specification for providing secure access from web pages to USB devices.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebUSB API, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling WebUSB API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    WebUSB API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the WebUSB API.
    • Block
      - Block use of the WebUSB API.
  4. Set


No Mobile support
The WebHID API is used for providing access for Human Interface Devices. This feature permits access to alternative auxiliary devices, such as secondary keyboards and mouse-pointing devices.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the WebHID API, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling WebHID API may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
When a user attempts to access a domain that is blocked, they will receive an on-screen notification, and a Log event will be created.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    WebHID API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the WebHID API.
    • Block
      - Block use of the WebHID API.
  4. Set

Print Preview

No Mobile support
Print Preview displays the print preview in a new tab, a DOM UI page. The print preview page consists of a left pane that allows for printer selection and printer options and a right pane for displaying the preview and page thumbnails.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the print preview, which can be potentially exploited.
If this is disabled, users will not see a preview of the page or file.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Print Preview
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the Print Preview.
    • Block
      - Block use of the Preview.
  4. Set

Google Cloud Print

No Mobile support
Google Cloud Print is a discontinued Google service that allows users to print from any Cloud Print-aware application (web, desktop, mobile) on any device in the network cloud to any printer with native support for connecting to Cloud Print services.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the Google Cloud Print API, which can be potentially exploited.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Google Cloud Print
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of Google Cloud Print.
    • Block
      - Block use of Google Cloud Print.
  4. Set

QUIC Protocol

No Mobile support
QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new internet transport protocol developed by Google. QUIC solves several application-layer issues experienced by modern web applications while requiring little or no change from application writers. QUIC is very similar to TCP+TLS+HTTP2 but implemented on top of UDP.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the QUIC protocol, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling QUIC protocol may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    QUIC Protocol
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit use of the QUIC Protocol
    • Block
      - Block use of the QUIC Protocol.
  4. Set

Web Clipboard API

No Mobile support
QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new internet transport protocol developed by Google. QUIC solves several application-layer issues experienced by modern web applications while requiring little or no change from application writers. QUIC is very similar to TCP+TLS+HTTP2 but implemented on top of UDP.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the QUIC protocol, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling QUIC protocol may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Web Clipboard API
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit the Web Clipboard API to access the clipboard.
    • Block
      - Block the Web Clipboard API from accessing the clipboard.
  4. Set

Local Fonts

No Mobile support
QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new internet transport protocol developed by Google. QUIC solves several application-layer issues experienced by modern web applications while requiring little or no change from application writers. QUIC is very similar to TCP+TLS+HTTP2 but implemented on top of UDP.
This anti-exploitation policy controls the use of the QUIC protocol, which can be potentially exploited.
: Disabling QUIC protocol may impact different websites using it in a legitimate way.
  1. From
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , select
    Prisma Access Browser
    Browser Security
  2. Select
    Local Fonts
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Allow
      - Permit the Prisma Access Browser to access local fonts installed on the device.
    • Block
      - Block the Prisma Access Browser from accessing local fonts installed on the device.
  4. Set

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