Monitor Prisma Access Browser Statistics
Prisma Access Browser

Monitor Prisma Access Browser Statistics

Table of Contents

Prisma Access Browser

Use the
Prisma Access Browser
Overview dashboard to deep dive into statistics about your enterprise browser users and associated events.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Strata Cloud Manager
  • Prisma Access Browser
  • Prisma Access
    Prisma Access Browser
    bundle license or
    Prisma Access Browser
    standalone license
  • Superuser or
    Prisma Access Browser
Prisma Access Browser
Overview dashboard serves as the landing page for the
Prisma Access Browser
administration. This dashboard gives you insights into the
Prisma Access Browser
users and devices, as well as events. From here, you can deep dive into the data to investigate incidents and identify trends.

Monitor Users

The Users section displays a breakdown of active and inactive users.
  • Active users
    —Users who have used the
    Prisma Access Browser
    during the selected
    Time frame
    . The displayed trend compares the number of Active users in the current
    Time frame
    with the number of Active users in the previous
    Time frame
    . As a result of this, the trend can fluctuate daily. An upwards trend is displayed in green, while a downward trend is displayed in red.
  • Inactive users
    —Users who have not used the
    Prisma Access Browser
    during the selected
    Time frame
Expand the widget to show the Users directory page so that you can search for specific users. From there, you can see which groups each user belongs to, which devices belong to each user, and what policy rules associated with the user.

Monitor Devices

The Devices section displays the number of devices within your organization that are using the
Prisma Access Browser
. You can see the breakdown of usage by
OS Platform
or by
. The
view indicates the devices with the latest browser version, a maintained browser version, a browser version approaching End-of-Life, and a browser version that has reached its end of life.
Click into the display to see a more detailed version of the information, along with the ability to adjust the
Time frame
, and the browser type (regular browser, mobile browser). This provides a better view of the trends. In addition, you can get a better image of when each browser version expired. Upwards trends show in green, while a downward trend shows in red. Click the icon to open the Devices directory so that you can search for specific devices. You can drill down to see which device groups include the user.

Monitor Blocked Events

The Blocked events section displays a line chart showing the trend in blocked events over all the users connected to the
Prisma Access Browser
. These events include incidents and other policy-generated events within the specified
Time frame
. Hover over the chart to see the number of blocked events per day (or per hour in the case of 24-hour time frames). The longer the time frame, the higher the granularity of the chart.
The displayed trend compares the number of blocked devices detected during the current time frame with the number of blocked events detected during the previous time frame. As a result, the trend can fluctuate. Upward trends show in red and downward trends show in green.
Click the icon to open the Investigate
Prisma Access Browser
Events page, which shows blocked and blocked encrypted events. You can use this to search for specific blocked events. Use the Events log to filter and sort for different parameters.

Monitor Events

The main section of the Overview dashboard displays the
Total Events
from all
Prisma Access Browser
users. There are four categories of events:
  • Access events
    —Access events display the information regarding the applications/URLs that
    Prisma Access Browser
    users are using most.
  • Data events
    —Data events display the information regarding the operations that
    Prisma Access Browser
    perform most on data, such as copy, paste, download, or print.
  • Posture events
    —Represent non-compliant sign-in issues.
  • Incidents
    —Represent malicious events. Click on an event to open the event log so you can see the type of event and the associated user.
You can deep-dive into the data for each type of event.
  • Deep Dive into Access Events
    1. Select the
      category from the
      Total Events
      part of the screen.
    2. Click into one of the applications or URLs
      From here, you can see which users are having the most interactions with the selected application.
    3. To see application events for a specific user in the Events log, click on the user name.
      To help you investigate access activities for the selected user, this view automatically filters on:
      • Time frame
      • Type, which includes the following additional filters:
        • Website access
        • Login attempts
        • Login failed
        • User
        • User
        • Application
  • Deep dive into data events.
    1. Select the
      category from the
      Total Events
      part of the screen.
    2. Click into one of the data events.
      From here, you can see which users are using the selected data operation most frequently.
    3. To see data events for a specific user in the Events log, click on the user name.
  • Deep dive into posture events.
    1. Select the
      category from the
      Total Events
      part of the screen and then click into one of the posture events.
      From here, you can see details about non-compliant sign-in events that
      Prisma Access Browser
      blocked based on the device group settings.
    2. To drill into specific posture events, select an OS platform and then select a particular user.
    To help you investigate posture events for the selected user, this view automatically filters on:
    • Time frame
    • Type: Non-compliant sign-in
    • User
    • OS platform

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