load wildfire api-key
Advanced WildFire Powered by Precision AI™

load wildfire api-key

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load wildfire api-key


After importing API keys to the WildFire appliance, you must use the load command to make the keys available for use. Use this command to replace all existing API keys, or you can merge the keys in the import file with the existing key database.


load { wildfire { from <value> mode [merge | replace]; { {


* from
— Specify the API key filename that you want to import. The key files use the .keys file extension. For example, my-api-keys.keys. To view a list of keys that are available for import, enter the following command:
load wildfire api-key from ?
+ mode
— Optionally enter the mode for the import (merge/replace). For example, to replace the key database on the appliance with the contents of the contents of the new key file, enter the following command:
load wildfire api-key mode replace from my-api-keys.keys
If you do not specify the
option, the default action will merge the keys.

Required Privilege Level

superuser, deviceadmin

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