Describes the maximum firewall submission rates when
forwarding files for WildFire analysis.
Where Can I Use
What Do I Need?
NGFW (Managed by PAN-OS or Panorama)
WildFire License
File-forwarding capacity is the maximum rate per minute at which
each Palo Alto Networks firewall model can submit files to the Advanced WildFire®
cloud for analysis. If the firewall reaches the per-minute limit,
it queues any remaining samples.
The Reserved Drive Space in the following table represents the
amount of drive space on the firewall that is reserved for queuing
files. If the firewall reaches the drive space limit, it cancels
forwarding of new files to WildFire until more space in the queue
is available.
The speed at which the firewall can forward files to the
Advanced WildFire cloud also depends on the bandwidth of the upload link
from the firewall.