WildFire Appliance Command Option Symbols
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WildFire Appliance Command Option Symbols

Table of Contents

WildFire Appliance Command Option Symbols

Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • WildFire Appliance
  • WildFire License
The symbol preceding an option can provide additional information about command syntax.
This option is required.
There are additional nested options for this command.
There are additional command options for this command at this level.
There is an option to specify an “except value” or a “match value” to restrict the command.
“ “
Although the double quote is not a command option symbol, it must be used when entering multi-word phrases in CLI commands. For example, to create an address group named Test Group and to add the user named user1 to this group, you must surround the group name with double quotes as follows:
set address-group “Test Group” user1.
If you do not put a double quote surrounding the group name, the CLI would interpret the word Test as the group name and Group as the username and the following error wold be displayed:
testis not a valid name
A single quote would also be invalid in this example.
The following examples show how these symbols are used.
Example: In the following command, the keyword
is required:
scp import configuration ?
+ remote-port SSH port number on remote host * from Source (username@host:path) username@hostname>
scp import configuration
Example: This command output shows options designated with + and >. username@hostname#
set rulebase security rules rule1 ?
+ action action + application application + destination destination + disabled disabled + from from + log-end log-end + log-setting log-setting + log-start log-start + negate-destination negate-destination + negate-source negate-source + schedule schedule + service service + source source + to to > profiles profiles <Enter> Finish input [edit] username@hostname#
set rulebase security rules rule1
Each option listed with + can be added to the command.
The profiles keyword (with >) has additional options:
set rulebase security rules rule1 profiles ?
+ virus Help string for virus + spyware Help string for spyware + vulnerability Help string for vulnerability + group Help string for group <Enter> Finish input [edit] username@hostname#
set rulebase security rules rule1 profiles

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